FabFilter User Forum

Final question... high pass filter in Pro Q 3

Sorry about this... there's something fundamental I'm having a problem understanding. I'd like to cut everything below 20hz (for vinyl), so am setting a high-pass filter which ends at 20hz (in high res mode). However, I'm still seeing activity below 20hz in the post-eq analyzer. Should I adjust the curve until the analyzer shows a complete cut at 20hz. ...or am I overthinking this?

Jez Butler

It has to do with the inherent limitation of analysers. They're simply not as detailed at lower frequencies.
See also this topic where some people with a better understanding of analysers explain it :) www.fabfilter.com/forum/6514/pro-q3-brickwall-not-filtering-low-frequencies?replies=4#comment16569


Hi Bram

Thanks very much - this has clarified things for me... I thought I was losing the plot.

All the best


Jez Butler
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