FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q3 - Listen/Monitor Band from Main Controller

Hi guys
I'm finding it challenging and cumbersom, when using closely positioned (or stacked) bands, to get to the hovering controller to click the headphone button to monitor the filter band.

Would it be possible to include the headphone listen option in the main controller that appears for a selected band?
With this I would then be able to hide the hover controller.

Then you could still use modifiers to change the bandwidth, etc.., the main controller doesn't need to move as long as there's some visual feedback

Thanks, Grant


actually, i think an even simpler solution would be if there were a modifier key when holding a filter that enables monitor/listen mode?
does one exist? i can't seem to find anything about it


Hi Grant,

Thanks for the suggestion, we'll look into it for future Pro-Q updates.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks Frederick - this would be much appreciated
all other EQ's have been pushed aside...
Loving the entire bundle

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