FabFilter User Forum

Ideas for Pro-Q 4

I've thought up some possible improvements for Pro-Q:

EQ styles:

Have a small palette of EQ styles that have slightly different EQ curves (perhaps based on analog hardware) that you wouldn’t be able to create using different slope and Q values.

Also, have the option of selecting a different style for each band.


Like SurferEQ by Sound Radix, be able to automatically adjust the frequency (or another parameter) by the pitch of the source (or another source via the side chain). For example, I’d like my high-pass frequency to increase when my vocalist moves to a higher register thus removing more unwanted background noise or bleed. (This is kinda possible in Pro-MB, but not in the same way)

Slope knob:

Have a 6-step knob for all the different slopes (or even continuously variable) rather than a dropdown menu. Only a single click would then be needed rather than two.

Display Range:

Again, have a knob for the display range size rather than a dropdown menu (perhaps a vertical looking bar like Pro-L's gain knob?). Might also be good to have a more automatic adjustment that follows the amount of gain you're using.

Processing Modes:

Have the option of selecting a different type of processing mode (zero latency, linear phase…) for each band. In linear phase for example, only some bands may be causing audible pre-ringing, so it might be good to be able to change the processing mode on those bands only, leaving the other bands untouched.

Any thoughts?

Osian Gruffydd

Hi Osian,

Some good suggestions! Regarding having a different processing mode for each band: we've considered that but our perspective is that it introduces a lot of complexity, both in the user interface and in the processing code itself. You can always just use two Pro-Q 3 instances, one set to linear-phase, one to zero latency, to get the same effect.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thought so. Worth putting it forward just in case. Thanks for the reply!

Osian Gruffydd

Different phase setting for real time monitoring and rendering


I would like that features in fabfilter pro q4:

Optional phase response display
and phase masking analyzer display from two different channels.
There has to be a second curve drawn from the eq curve, just the derivative of that function.

Impulse response display.

Machine learning classifier of instruments or approximation then applying range labels like boom, muddiness, punch, air to the frequency window.

Inverse linking of IO: if increasing the wet signal by dB, decreasing the dry by the same amount.

Inverse linking of two eq nodes.

Changing phase style per node, for example linear to low end, natural to top end. Not sure about which effect it would have in the mix.

If boosting or attenuating bell shapes narrowing the q in the low end and more widening in the top end. It is the q expansion style.

Alex Hepting

I would love to see the following in the next version:

1. Having the ability to change Q slopes at the crest of the curve.

2. Adding a Harmonic warmth types like Volcano and Timeless to the filter types. I’m others words a “character” knob with the feature to change distortion types.

3. Adding filter modulators like envelope follower in Timeless3.

Shawn “sda” Appleton


A splited Eq: tonal/transient ?

I dont want to leave my Pro-Q, please match Eventide!


Wondering if this can be done with existing Pro Q3?
Show us the way..............

Peter Pickle

Yes, split eq like the Eventide one!


I like the suggestions here.

The most important new Pro-Q 4 features in my book would be:

1. Pitch-tracking bands
2. Bands to separate tonal and transient content (like Eventide SplitEQ and Sonible Entropy:EQ), but very importantly, those bands could be made dynamic, which is a missed opportunity in the other two EQs.
3. Supporting all four possible dynamic band configurations (upward compression, downward compression, upward expansion, downward expansion) rather than just the two that are currently supported (downward compression, upward expansion)

The other suggestions that were mentioned above would be at most nice to have in my opinion, but these three here would be big.


Any Timeline for ProQ 4? I really don't want to spend money on Surfer Eq or Soothe before I can just pay for an update that might be in ProQ 4


Hey Frederik,

indeed something like split eq is really tempting, same goes surfer eq or the knif eq all are pretty unique and combining the best in a pro q 4 would be really awesome!

One question tho, what is the best suited to make deep low end cuts without losing punch? Is it natural phase?


For the low end better stick to zero latency or natural phase. Linear phase can introduce pre-ringing, which can affect your transients.

Ralph Verdult (FabFilter)

If I could have filters like in Volcano 3. The drive on the filters sounds amazing. If Pro Q4 could go from clean to dirty on all 24 filters I will never need another eq.
If not please make some more filters in Volcano 4 .... and quick please :-)

Morten Andersen

Yes Split EQ Tonal/transient like Eventide!!!! We all have to open 2 EQs for that.. or use only the Eventide one..

Martin Vallée

Oh and please take a look at the Kirchhof eq.. they actually copied pro q but also improved it. For a few mastering engineers it seems to be the new sheriff in town, so please copy and improve.


An analyzer tilt of 5.3 dB/oct would be great as well.

Manuel Senfft

While speaking of Kirchhoff.. oversampling options on/offline seem to make sense for an eq (even Ableton´s stock eq has it).

But their real secret is communication with the users and implementing feature requests within days, see Gearspace.



The same as Kirchhoff-EQ.


Pro Q doesn’t add harmonics so what’s the point of adding oversampling?


+1 for the splitting transient vs tonal signals (I know you can approximate this with the dynamic behavior, but having additional control might be nice...although I also completely understand if this convolutes the UX and you guys are experts at this :) ). Another feature that I would absolutely LOVE is the ability to access and make adjustments to all Pro-Q4 plugins from a single window similar to Sonnox Claro's Mix view or the CLA Mixhub's Bucket view. Keep up the great work!

Jonathan Krasinkiewicz

Here's my wish list for ProQ 4

1. An option for gain compensation like Slick EQ, where the whole curve changes to compensate for the gain.

2. Click and drag to whatever scale you want, not just a square.

3. Ratio control and an option to scale between Peak/RMS detection for the dynamic EQ.

4. A button that you can click to create subtle differences between left and right channels. As often happens on analog gear.

5. Some new interesting filter shapes like phaser etc. Steal some ideas from UVI shade.

6. It would be nice to have a few saturation options for individual bands.

7. Please, on all your plugins. The drop-down menus are cumbersome for things like saturation/filter types where you'd want to quickly flip through them and audition each one.

8. This is less ProQ specific but while I'm here... The LFO is not all that intuitive. Please do an LFO that's more like modern synths (vital, phase plant, serum etc.)


Hi Psybur,

Points noted :-) Regarding point 7: when you hover your cursor over a filter type or the slope, using the scroll wheel will scroll through the different options. This also works with the styles in Pro-L 2, Volcano 3 and Saturn 2 for example.

Love Pro Q3 as is. The only time I’ve needed more from it is when working with 96-192k audio where I need to see what is going on above 20kHz. So would be helpful to have “science mode” with extended frequency range up to nyquist. I use voxengo plug-ins for this currently.


Oh man, how'd I miss the scrolling on the mouse wheel! Thanks Ralph! I think I'd still prefer arrows, as my mouse wheel kind of sucks, lol, but that's just me and this is great to know!


Oh, and one last wish for ProQ 4 would be the ability to load a WAV file as an avg curve across the spectrum (for referencing) as you can do with Curve EQ from Voxengo.


Per band distortion like timeless 3 EQ, something that can match & overtake vintage EQ's.

Maybe even in the manual: say "this distortion type emulates this vintage EQ" would be even sweeter!!!!


And maybe the soothe / gulfoss / split EQ / smart EQ technique is another plugin? or maybe its a beast you can slay within Pro Q?


Follow eq as iZotope either nuetron or nectar has, the ability to follow any resonance frequency, taking any annoying frequency. Mid side spectrum analyzer withthe ability to see conflicts in the mids and sides, if not already present.


A key+click combo to enable band solo without needing to select "Show EQ Parameter Display" from the help menu would be greatly appreciated.

This feature from the help menu remains off for me because most of the time, the pop-up boxes tend to get in the way and all the information needed is contained within the main module per band at the bottom of the gui.

However, the current configuration (unless im missing something - fingers crossed!) leaves no alternative but to enable the parameter display option when needing to solo an individual band.

a minor gripe, I know. even something simple like a button similar to Live's eq eight headphone icon would be a very welcome addition, a seemingly lightweight implementation, and a small step on behalf of workflow worldwide ::)

Thank you for the incredible plugins, can't wait to see what you come up with for Q4!


like this?



Been using Pro-Q 3 on Pro Tools for film works. Ability to import audio file as eq reference instead of using side chain for eq matching will be very helpful to match ADR and production sound. And what about automatable eq snapshot?

Adhitya Indra

I was wondering whether it would be possible in Q4 to have an automatic real time eq match feature. The idea is that e.g. one instance of Q4 is listening to an input track (e.g. the main vocal track) and that another instance in real time reduces the frequencies of the input track on an instrumental track. So Q4 would carve out in real time based on an input track. Thereby you could e.g. „cut out“ frequencies in a reverb that otherwise mask the vocal track.


Purchase Reverbs from LiquidSonics with Reverb/Reflections EQs, Compressors, Duckers and Gates built into illusion, Cinematic Rooms, Reverberate, Tai Chi, Seventh Heaven, etc to carve out your Reverbs in your mixes. They offer greatly reduced pricing coupons with each successive purchase. Personally, they are the best in the market reverbs.

Leave Q4 to advance lean and mean outside of gates, reverbs and delays keeping resources low and latency extremely low. Extend Q4 to more dynamically adapt to transients by extending capabilities between the rest of the suite through parallel circuit designs, etc,

Improve the technical documentation of all plugins to show practical examples of how to or not use them.

Marc Driftmeyer

If nothing else, please just update ProQ3 to get rid of the floating windows. I love this plugin, but that has been an insanely frustrating "feature" that never even needed to exist. It gets in the way 50% of the time and waste SOOOOOOOOOO much time!! Unreal you all never made it optional.


1. Option to view multiple external spectrums at the same time (e.g. can then see how all buses are interacting with each other)

2. Different "vintage" style curves/shapes and behaviours.

3.option to disable the floating control window.

4. Option to load presents into current settings without overwriting what's already there, merge the a/b versions or perhaps a cut and paste option.


I too would definitely use 2 & 4.


Just come up with an update. Its long overdue, reach the sonic quality of Kirchhoff and add a few of the suggestions on here. So the marketing makes sense again.

Or leave it as it is and expect users to jump on alternatives who probably won’t return.

That’s my case soon.


Thanks guys! Keep the ideas coming and don't worry, we've already started working on Pro-Q 4 of course.

Floris (FabFilter)

From my perspective, study crave eq and Kirchhoff (especially when it comes to transient preservation) for their sonic qualities. Maybe experiment with all pass filters to get something like an „analoge Mode“ wich sounds more 3d, not an expert but I guess there are some tricks in this department. Another thing would be some kind of „expert settings“ not as crazy as in equilibrium, I know the ff idea is to keep things simple, but there are enough pros using pro q and they should be able to handle this (if they want). Also it would be nice to introduce offline/ online modes so mixing can be done with low cpu consumption and for printing the best possible quality can be used without having to change anything.


*pick and display scales in the analyzer without hidding the frequency would be cool too


I think the pro q 4 should have at least the features that the new Kirchhoff EQ has.


it's about time :D


Well, hold my beer.

I really want that Q4 will have some kinda smart feature (something like Sonible has in their products). Basically have profiles with some dynamic curve that you can adjust and save for the future. This would be a killer feature for Q4.
Again, not just "resonance cuts" but a complex curve like in Sonible SmartEQ.

Of course, we need the opportunity to adjust the dynamic band (not the smart one) with custom attack and release (I think that would be enough).

And maybe some coloration button (per band) with a couple of modes to choose from (and switch between them via arrows on the left and right sides). Like Volcano has.


Here's an unpopular opinion:
I don't like Kirchhoff. I find it feature bloated and not as ergonomic as Pro-Q3, I've tried it a couple times and I always went back to ProQ3.

Sound quality is fine, but it's not in any way better than ProQ for straight noncolored filters.

They're also misleading with their advertising, presenting 32bit FP noisefloor at -180dB as something that's somehow problematic, and boasting 117bit precision, which is great for wasting CPU cycles and literally nothing else.

(not really surprised it's part of plugin alliance now)

Re spectral stuff:
I also don't think mixing in spectral shit (complex curves from SmartEQ3) into an EQ plugin is a great idea.

When i go for spectral tools, i go for specifically spectral tools.
When i need an EQ, i don't need a spectral tool.

Now you can argue that FabFilter could make a spectral tool, but imo it should not be crammed into ProQ3.

I'm on the fence about adding analogue-ish curves. Toneboosters FF clone sort of has that, and i find it mostly useless.

I usually want some color with vintage curves, which then turns ProQ3 into a different EQ.
(There's also something to be said about ergonomics being a crucial part of the vintage EQ sound, not merely curves and transformer distortion)

ProQ is a fast and ergonomic no-fuss digital EQ with a CPU print so low you can throw it anywhere you want at any point in your project without having to worry about anything happening to your sound. You can just leave it lying literally anywhere even if there's no bands present or if you only use it for a simple hi/lo pass.

I also like the smart dynamic function that doesn't have time controls. It just works.

When i want precision over dynamic adjustment I reach for Pro-MB instead, when i need more precise nothing i reach for spectral tools such as Soothe2.

I'm 100% sure FabFilter would make a great spectral tool like Soothe2/DSEQ/SmartEQ3, but to reiterate, i'm not sure ProQ4 is THAT tool.

IMO keep ProQ4 a MIXING TOOL, not an EQ toy like Kirchhoff.

What i think could improve on what ProQ3 is (a fast lightweight great sounding digital EQ):
- TRANSIENT MODE (considering how great new transient detection behaves in volcano/saturn/timeless) (See Eventide SplitEQ, but fab would probably do it much better)

  • being able to select a different band as sidechain input from processing band. (i.e. Band1 triggers Band2)
  • PITCH TRACKING (see Antares Vocal EQ and iZotope Nectar) - by that i mean actual tracking, not merely spectral resonance notching like Soothe2 does it.

Some smart EQ functions:
- Auto UNMASKING (being able to overlay two sources and create an unmasking suggestion)
- Auto resonance notching (having a an algorithm search for most offending resonances in a signal and create a band to notch them out)

Things i'm on the fence about:
- mixed phase modes in a single instance. But i'm not really sure about that as it adds complexity that may not be worth it.


I wish pro would get the topology of tdr nova for dynamic eqing.

But anyhow an update is long overdue..


I love reading folks asking for features that are already included in ProQ3 — not being snarky, it just shows me how much thought and care you’ve already put into the product and why it’s a clear #1 in the film/TV world.

+1 for Split EQ based on Tonal / Transient. I’ll add with an automatic or manual widening / timing slider per band, as these things change with every mic / source.

Thomas Cassetta

Morphing between presets/snapshots


Panning on each band in two ways:
Volcano style channel offset of frequencies
Pan per band


My Top 4:

1. Keep the simplicity of Pro-Q :-)

2a. In the analyzer view (External Spectrum Off, Side Chain, Other Pro-Q3 Instances which shows actual clashing frequencies in red & spectrum view of the other Pro-Q3 instances) show also the EQ-Curve of each Pro-Q3 instances to see how each Pro-Q3 instances is set
2b. Let not only show the instances of other Pro-Q3 let also activate the Pro-Q3 in the actual chosen Pro-Q3 to directly change the EQ-Curve (this could be with a toggle button)
=This would be for me a game changer! Why? Today I have to search for the track, search for the Pro-Q Plugin (worse if you have multiple), open the Plugin, arrange the view that it is not clashing, start to work. This idea would speed up the workflow extrem without changing the simplicity of Pro-Q3

2. An option for gain compensation where the whole curve changes to compensate for the gain

3. It would be nice to have some saturation from Volcano options for each band (it makes it not complicated for the user because it is optional)

Kai Heartleader

My Top 4:

1. Keep the simplicity of Pro-Q :-)

2a. In the analyzer view (External Spectrum Off, Side Chain, Other Pro-Q3 Instances which shows actual clashing frequencies in red & spectrum view of the other Pro-Q3 instances) show also the EQ-Curve of each Pro-Q3 instances to see how each Pro-Q3 instances is set
2b. Let not only show the instances of other Pro-Q3 let also activate the Pro-Q3 in the actual chosen Pro-Q3 to directly change the EQ-Curve (this could be with a toggle button)
=This would be for me a game changer! Why? Today I have to search for the track, search for the Pro-Q Plugin (worse if you have multiple), open the Plugin, arrange the view that it is not clashing, start to work. This idea would speed up the workflow extrem without changing the simplicity of Pro-Q3

3. An option for gain compensation where the whole curve changes to compensate for the gain

4. It would be nice to have some saturation from Volcano options for each band (it makes it not complicated for the user because it is optional)

Kai Heartleader

Lots of great ideas here, but not sure if this one was mentioned already.

It would be nice to be able to set a band for snare/guitar resonance, and have the ability to toggle x amount of octave bands higher/lower to oust those annoying frequencies. Having the octave bands tied to the fundamental would be huge, because as you slide up/down the spectrum the generated bands would adjust based on the initial pitch.

Other company's offer something like, but they are often clunky and certainly not as elegant/simple as FF's design, so I end up just chasing these myself.


Lots of great suggestions here, thanks!

@Kai: Pro-Q 3 already offers the gain compensation option. Hover over the output button in the lower right corner, and click the "A" option to enable Auto Gain.


Frederik (FabFilter)

@Frederik (Fabfilter)
Thanks for your feedback.
Maybe I was not clear. I tested it on vocals where is a low cut 300 Hz, high cut 16 kHz and a boot 2kHz.
Without Auto Gain Compensation:
IN: -9.7 LUFS
OUT: -6.1 LUFS
Without Auto Gain Compensation:
IN: -19.7 LUFS
OUT: -4.9 LUFS
So it is doing something but as it is in the help an a guest of the EQ curve. What would be nice if it is really doing a calculated gain compensation.

Kai Heartleader

I just want to +1 the ability to use the Volcano 3 filters in Pro Q4. Not a fan of Volcano 3 for equalization, it just doesn't function well for that duty, but I still pull it up and do it because it sounds great, even if it isn't fun to use.


I've been looking for a feature you might be interested in implementing that I haven't found out there in any plug in. We always use eq on each track and so multiple tracks each have instances of els on them. It would be really helpful to be able to open an instance of multi track view and edit all the included tracks eq's in the same window to help easily see frequency relationships between multiple tracks without having to open windows for each track. It could be where the analyzer button is but instead of just seeing 2 tracks you can see up to several tracks and also edit them right there at the same time.


Eqs can be the ultimate synths in combination with any sounds.
Please add support for tuning files.
Midi input triggers and followers would be nice for this purpose too. Eg. make peak filters for the keys I press.

- let me see both frequency and corresponding piano note when hovering over the spectrum withouth making a eq band.

  • Let me choose not to have hovering boxes as they often get in the way. I'd like them to be the same place every time, like in the middle top or bottom.
  • Eq match could be cool for single source material too. Eg. Before recording I clap in the recording position, analyse the reverb tail and use it to make a room eq.

- Empty buttons for macros.


In Proq 4 I would like to see better visualization for the masked red area when comparing two signals where it collides.



There are sometimes some mixing problems where I wish there would be a high pass or low pass filter with variable slope. E.g. where you could adjust with a knob the steepness of the HP/LP from e.g. 6 dB/octave to 48 dB/octave or so.


... I mean continuously change the slope, since sometimes a HP with -12 dB/octave is too less and -18 dB/octave is too much...



What is it about Volcano 3 which makes it not good for equalization? Maybe if some specific items are pointed out the FF team can work on improving it.


Backwards compatibility! I mean instances of pro q3 will be replaced with q4.


Tracking fundamentals can work well for dialogue. Could save some time. Setting a target once and having the plugin track it may not work all that well without massive amounts of generated automation data, so I'm not sure that can work all too well without some automatic behaviour that limits the range of the tracking.

Similar to dynamic eq, it would need to be automatically off at the start, since it can literally catch other harmonics at the range edges. Perhaps the tracking would need to be more complex and track harmonics right along with it. Big latency probably.

Different dynamic EQ types that offer different attack/hold/release patterns for suppressing sibilants may be a good sideband de-esser/harsher. We already have the more complex option with Soothe2 for this, but for a workhore eq some added optional complexity to supress(or feature) non-tonal extremes would be welcome.

Some simple saturation options that produce little to no additional latency beyond oversampling. Especially useful for highs to add some spice. Perhaps restricted to latency-inducing modes like Minimum Phase.

One of the more useful EQs from the film world is the two-setting level dependant equalizer on the Harrison MPCD4/5 consoles. Worth an investigation.
That one has two equalizer settings(excluding on/off switches) it interpolates between depending on two thresholds.

Anthony Oetzmann

A feature which displays and corrects asymmetric waveforms produced by steep/low end EQing would be very useful and unique. I stopped using ProQ for low end EQing (or any other EQ plugins) in favor of RX Advanced so I can run adaptive phase rotation after cutting excess low end from dialog.


Yeah, backwards compatibility would be worth a lot.

It's not ideal (and sometimes impossible) that we always need to have multiple versions of the same plugin installed in order to be able to open old sessions/projects.

In this aspect Fabfilter shares the same problems as much of the plugin industry: Each major version is its own separate plugin.

Ideally, Pro-Q would always just be "Pro-Q", not "Pro-Q 1/2/3/4...", and be backwards compatible. The problem is, apart from the fact that it's annoying and clutters my plugin manager if I have to have three versions of Pro-Q installed in parallel, that you're not going to support all of those versions forever, so at some point my system will no longer be able to run Pro-Q 1 (I think that's actually already the case for my Apple Silicon machine), at which point I will no longer be able to fully run sessions that have Pro-Q 1 instances on them. And the same fate is eventually going to befall Pro-Q 2 and Pro-Q 3.

So far, Waves is one of the few companies who offer a satisfactory solution to the backwards compatibility issue: Every product is maintained forever, every update of every product is always backwards compatible, and if they want to do something that cannot be made backwards compatible, then they'll release it as a new product while still maintaining the old product.

In my opinion, plugin developers don't put sufficient consideration into backwards compatibility, Fabfilter included.


Thanks for all the suggestions!

Regarding backwards compatibility, we're a bit stuck there. For AU and VST3, you can rename a plug-in while keeping it compatible (even though that caused issues for us in the past), but that's not possible for VST2 -- many hosts use the plug-in name to identify the plug-in. So we can't name it Pro-Q 4 in that case.

Another issue is that this makes it impossible for us to make fundamental changes to the sound of a plug-in. With many new major plug-in versions in the past, we've been free to improve and update our algorithms with the side-effect that they no longer sound exactly the same. Obviously you can't do that if a plug-in needs to stay compatible with older versions.

Often we also want to make significant changes to the parameters and their order, and you can't do that when staying backwards compatible.

Releasing a new major version as a completely separate plug-in solves all these issues. We are committed to keeping legacy plug-in versions up to date regarding bug fixes and OS updates, e.g. we just released a bug-fix version for Pro-L 1 which was replaced by Pro-L 2 in 2017, six years ago:


Frederik (FabFilter)

The main improvement I would like to see in Pro Q4 is an alternate view with knobs only.

Modern EQ interfaces are great, but it's also nice to be able to work blind to avoid any influence of the appearance of the curves.


Lucian Aeris

Dear FabFilter Development Team,

I'm sure that Pro-Q 4 will be a revolution and I have a few ideas for the upcoming product:

1) Continuously variable slope to remove pops & clicks in audio when changing the slope (like in the Infinity EQ by Slate Digital).

2) Ability to split tonal & transient audio components with an ability to apply dynamic equalization (like an improved version of SplitEQ by Eventide).

3) Pitch tracking would be cool to have (like in the SurferEQ by Sound Radix).

4) The dynamic equalization works great in Pro-Q 3 but an ability to control the attack and release would push Pro-Q 4 to the next level without being extra complicated.

5) Ability to draw the EQ line for some interesting experiments.

6) More complex EQ curves (for flanging, phasing effects like in the Shade by UVI).

7) Modulation options for shaping the sound, morphing option (like in the Morph EQ by Minimal Audio).

8) Adding an option to choose the harmonic warmth mode for each band (like in Volcano 3).

9) Adding analog-matched curves (like in Kirchhoff EQ, not important).

10) Spectral resonance suppression mode (works like Soothe 2 by oeksound, Smooth Operator by Baby Audio and DSEQ by TBProAudio).

11) Unmasking option (like TrackSpacer by Wavesfactory).

I know that the Team won't implement all this features in the new plug-in but I'm sure that Pro-Q 4 will become a swiss army knife for equalization duties! And sorry please, if I'm repeating someone in the forum, I'm just consolidating all the ideas, that I find useful.

Can't wait for Pro-Q 4!

Kind Regards,
Rein Robert

Rein Robert

@tni if you wish to add some phase rotation to the low end whether 90 or 180 degrees you can use the all-pass filter filter of Volcano 3 in 6 or 12 dB setting in clean mode.


Something that wold be a killer feature for me is on the Dynamic EQ is adding a two-way dynamics processing so we can apply all four: Downward Compression and Expansion and Upper Compression and Expansion on a band depending on the threshold. Basically giving a two-way ratio to the same single band. It would make some dynamics processing much easier instead of copying the plugin, tweaking the gains and moving the range and threshold and to warp some surgical frequencies.

Another could be interesting EQ curves like Fletcher-Munson curve to add gain but compensating the natural ear frequency increase, maybe making it dynamic to "natural-tame" some resonances above the curve. For me that would be two killer features without making the plugin hard to use

J. A. Macias

@J. A. Macias
I'm just curious and would like to learn:
For which mixing problems do you need band specific upward and downward compression please?

Would appreciate an explanation of an example.


Many great suggestions so far. One thing I would like to see is a faster way to use the invert function. Right-clicking then selecting from a pop-up menu is kinda slow. It would be great if we could hold down some combination of modifier keys while clicking to invert the gain setting. i.e. command+option click/ Win+Alt click.

Chris Peck

The only three things I'd love to see - and pay for:

1 - Attack and Release controls for DEQ
2 - add in the subtle saturation/tube/transformer pieces from Saturn (with appropriate anti-aliasing) so I don't have to take up two inserts when I want some "color" in my EQ
3 - Multitrack editing: adjust several Pro-Q instances in just one user interface


couplea thoughts –
1) I too would love a secondary 'solo' button location – if I'm not mistaken, the only solo button is in the floating 'EQ Parameter Display' windows which requires careful mouse maneuvering to ensure you don't hover over the wrong band before hitting the solo button. If an additional solo button lived near the dedicated gain/freq/q controls this be a very welcome addition IMO

2) it would be cool to have the ability to optionally control frequency & Q at the same time: sometimes I want to expand the Q of an eq band, but keep the right side of the bell where it is, expanding the left side leftward (so, lowering frequency and decreasing Q & vice versa).
2a) In a similar vein, it would be cool to have a simplified workflow for 'shifting the emphasis/gain' of a frequency range left <> right (or M<>S) – somewhat like brainworks' pan eq


Thanks for all suggestions! BTW, you can control Frequency and Q at the same time in Pro-Q 3 by holding down Ctrl/Cmd while dragging.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Optional Harmonics/Drive a la Volcano would be my number one request. It would also be nice to have some more preset curve shapes which may integrate multiple EQ nodes behind the scenes, like the Tilt shape. e.g. Pultec or other vintage inspired shapes.

I don't personally want the interface cluttered with too many features like complex dynamics. I would rather pay for an updated Pro-MB.

I run hundreds of instances at once on score mix sessions and the most important thing to me is that I can pop open the UI and access the parameters I need quickly and with ease. That's what Pro-Q has always excelled at. To that end, I agree with the user above suggesting some global parameter control. e.g. switching all instances from one phase mode to another could be useful. Or if there were a text field in the 'Analyzer;" pop-up menu that allowed me to filter by track name then I could spend less time skimming over hundreds of menu entries when I want to reference another track.


Please give us "analog/vintage" style EQ curves with saturation options in Q4. Neutron has something similar on their high and low-shelf choices and it gets you into Pultec or vintage console territory pretty decently. The only time I ever reach for a different EQ (which is more than I'd like to recently) is when I want "warm smooth analog style" curves and added saturation and occasionally pitch-tracked EQ bands. If Pro-Q4 had these options, plus as a bonus tone/transient splits there wouldn't be any reason not to have it on every track every time.

Even better would be the option to "macro" parameters to a small number of controls and hide everything but these controls for a more classic workflow. But I can do this already in Live and Bitwig anyway so it's not a big deal.


And now that I'm thinking about it... a "match EQ band" style that allowed a user to match the curve of another EQ and place this profile on a single band would be next level!


Dan Worrall's latest video has further convinced me that I don't need access to more complex dynamics controls in my go-to EQ:

I also might rescind my suggestion for more evocative 'vintage' shapes, though I still feel strongly that optional drive controls would benefit the tool. Volcano is great but it's flexibility as an EQ is limited.


The above suggestions are great, I just want simple solo latching. Surprised it's not there already.

Oscar Zayas-Bazan

If you look at the likes of the Kirchhoff EQ thats out now, that thing offers some nice vintage eq style curve behaviour (look at its G high shelf for example that mirrors the Neve style slope which as the little dip before the lift), such curves can be very tricky to exactly replicate using additional bells etc in Pro-Q

so it would be really cool to see Pro-Q 4 also feature vintage eq modes alongside the standard bell,high shelf etc etc

Laurence Rapaccioli

My Idea for a feature would be really cool and useful i guess:
Dynamic Matching EQ
You feed the Pro-Q with the source audio, from start to finish at best, then match it and it will adapt the EQ curve dynamically.
This would be really handy to have in my opinion, there is not one (i think at least) plug-in that has this!
Also maybe more bands? 32 would be cool, especially for sound design it’s needed, without the additional need of opening a new Pro-Q instance.

Ozan Usta

I believe this is kinda planned already but just to make sure, it would be nice that the spectrum analyzer pannel would allow to display the left or right sides only, for the current instance and the external input as well, so one could check for internal vs external conflicts on either side independently (i.e. L vs L, L vs R, R vs L and R vs R).

That said, thanks for that existing external spectrum drop-down ergonomy which is incredibly handy as it is.

Laurent Knauth

After so many helpful suggestions Pro Q 4 must become a beast! ;)

Are there any plans when Pro Q4 should be available?


When pro q 4 will be available?


We never announce releases in advance, partially so we have the freedom to work on them until they are actually ready rather than working to a marketing-decided deadline. :)


Frederik (FabFilter)

I agree.

Can we just know the year of release?


My Christmas wish is a Pro Q4 with the ability to easily switch between all the Pro Q4 in a session. Imagine having the eq in full screen mode and having a little panel to easily access all the others. I'm adjusting the eq of the kick but with a click on a little knob/spot on the eq and I'm now adjusting the eq on the bass and so on.
Hope this makes sense.


1.per band transient/tonal separation

2.per band saturation control


Add more user presets for single instruments... guitar, acoustic guitar, bass, snare, kick drum etc!


Fully variable bell filter slope instead of fixed values.

Greater control over dynamic eq in manual mode , attack rel etc

Have a 40db option in the range settings for the frequency analyser so we can see the variations more clearly on main bus.
You could also make this range draggable by click n dragging up n down the right side db numbers

An all-pass filter option to change only the phase and not the freq

Variable phase option between min and linear

Steve Corbett

..oh almost forgot, if you could implement a mode that works just like Oeksounds Soothe2 in taming resonances automatically that would be amazing

Steve Corbett

Really looking forward what the next release of Pro-Q will be coming up with :) ...


+1 for "the ability to access and make adjustments to all Pro-Q4 plugins from a single window"

Thanks, and just go on with your amazing work !


Me encantaría que tuviera el modo rta y peak en el espectro, como lo tiene f6 de waves. Y si pudieran incluir un analizador estéreo que tenga quizá un color distinto para cada canal para poder tener de manera visual el enmascaramiento stereo así como ya lo tienen pero frecuencial.


Al momento de usar el eq de manera quirúrgica, para remover resonancias a veces las voces quedan vacías y demasiado agresivas, quizá para suavizar ese efecto podrían añadir un compensador de saturación en paralelo en la misma frecuencia cada vez que se abre un nuevo filtro tenga la opción de añadir saturación al mismo filtro como un toque de Saturn o de spectre que suenan muy bien. Increíble trabajo 🏆


PLEASE add Split EQ (re: Tonal / Transient). This would be a huge improvement and would mean I could ditch split EQ (which I'm not really a fan of).

Nathan D

People have got to stop adopting Eventide's terrible choice of calling the two components "transient" and "tonal". These are two entirely orthogonal concepts, they have nothing to do with each other. Transients can be tonal (= have a clearly discernible pitch) or atonal, as can be the sustain part of the signal. These two signal parts have been referred to by everyone, every developer, in every plugin and every piece of hardware as "transient" and "sustain" forever, until Eventide made the world a little worse by breaking with this common-sense taxonomy.

It's also generally a bit random to want this transient/sustain split functionality specifically in an EQ plugin. You could want to apply any process to just the transient or just the sustain parts of a signal: EQ, distortion, delay, compression, whatever. You might as well as for transient/sustain split functionality in Saturn. You want to treat your transients and sustain differently? Just use Wavesfactory Quantum.



Four improvements that would render all other EQ's obsolete for me:

1. Stepped controls mode. To make things easier if one wants.

1.2. Lock bands in place.

2. Pultec/Neve Curves. Bells are not the problem...

3. Ability to change drag speed. Feels more powerful to dial in a band -- heavier, not like plastic.

4. Realistic Transformer and or tube emulation. Should be subtle. Just one switch. on off.

Charly Mayor

Yes! Stepped gain on boost cuts would be amazing. it just helps take the room out of the equation 2db steps like an api. or customizable. Its so easy its like dark, dark bright, too bright, back, perfect. no more fussing over a half db haha

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