FabFilter User Forum

Ableton Live 10 track export with Pro-Q3 / Pro-MB sidechain


I'm trying to export individual tracks as stems in Ableton Live 10 using the "All Individual Tracks" option in the export menu.

I have one track (A) with both Pro-Q3 and Pro-MB. Both of those VSTs are being fed a stereo sidechain signal from another track (B). I'm using a 3rd track (C) to route the signal from B to A. So the path is (B) -> (C) -> (A).

I cannot find a way to export (A) and (B) as individual tracks so that the sidechaining into Pro-Q3 and Pro-MB happens on export. The only way I can is to solo A, B, and C, and export the master track. But I need A and B to be separate tracks on export.

Is there a way to export using individual tracks in Live 10?


I just tested this (admittedly in Live 11) and it works as advertised. I get a ducked signal when using your method (with an extra audio track) and I get it to work when using the side chain box of the Pro-MB device.

Just to verify, do you hear the sidechaining happening when you listen (before export), I assume you know, but you have to set Pro-Q3/MB to listen to external side chain source.


Thanks for the quick reply and for help! I had inadvertently set the Input Channel on the extra audio track to "Post Mixer". I set it back to "Post FX" and it works as advertised for me as well in both Live 10 and Live 11.


Hehe, glad you got it sorted!

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