FabFilter User Forum

Purchasing Older versions of Fab Pro Q and Saturn 1

I previously had the versions and licenses that were purchased by a friend who no longer works with me. I have 30+ sessions using the first Fab Pro Q and the Saturn 1. I'd like to purchase these since Fab Pro 3 and Saturn 2 don't adapt to the old sessions Fab Pro Q and Saturn 1 settings. It allowed me to download the older version to use, but now when I open the sessions to purchase the plugin, I only get directed to Fab Pro 3 and Saturn 2. I'd really hate to have to remix 30 sessions from scratch. I hope you can help me out here.

Austin Dore

When you purchase the newer versions, you'll automatically get a license for the older versions. Frederik from Fabfilter explains it better here: www.fabfilter.com/forum/6515/i-want-buy-q2?replies=1#comment16577

Good luck! :)


Hi Austin,

It is not possible to purchase licenses for our legacy plug-ins. However, like Bram says, you will get access to the legacy versions when you purchase the current version of a plug-in. So when you need to get access to Pro-Q 2 and Saturn 1, you would indeed need to purchase Pro-Q 3 and Saturn 2.

Your account automatically offers you a license key for earlier versions of plug-ins that you own. First log into your account: www.fabfilter.com/myaccount

Click 'View license key' next to your most recent order for a plug-in, e.g. Pro-Q 3. Then, click on 'View license keys for earlier versions' in the top-right corner of the page. The license keys for earlier versions will now be displayed.

You can download all earlier plug-in versions here:


Ralph (FabFilter)
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