FabFilter User Forum

I want buy Q2

I have MAC and use Pro tools

MAC version 10.9.5 (Mavericks)
Pro tools 10

I heard can't use Q3 in old version
So i want buy Q2

Tell me how to buy Q2



You can simply buy Pro-Q 3. After your purchase, in your FabFilter account, click on "View license key" for your Pro-Q 3 purchase, then click "View license keys for earlier versions" to retrieve a Pro-Q 2 key.

You can download an older version of Pro-Q 2 that's compatible with your Mac here:

By the way, as of today, Pro-Q 3 still supports macOS 10.9, but it it's 64-bit only on Mac, so it won't run with Pro Tools 10.


Frederik (FabFilter)

As an addition, when you are using Pro Tools 10.3.5 or up, you can use the 32-bit AAX version which is still available in our 32-bit Total bundle installer:



Ralph (FabFilter)
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