FabFilter User Forum

Can I combine these 3 discounts ?

I'm going to buy a bundle and the bundle has fabfilter proQ 3 .

I've already bought pro Q 3.

So May I get discount of the bundle ?

And I'm going to buy it with educational discount , because I'm a student.

Then can I get these 2 discount at the same time (x% × 50% ) ?

And Fabfilter gives us 25%(or 40%) discount sometimes , and can I use this discount with former 2 discounts ?

Can I combine these 3 discounts (x% ×25% ×50% ) ?

a student

In our system, different discounts are never combined; it's simply the highest discount that counts. And the EDU discounts are the best we offer... to anyone! :-)

Maarten (Fabfilter)
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