FabFilter User Forum

Saturn 2 as a real modern/custom guitar amp!

Hi, guys. I'm really amazed with the incredible features of the Saturn 2.

Its quality and endless possibilities make me think about a new universe of usage that could be possible if the "Amp" algorithms could be used without the "Eq profile of a fixed speaker/cabinet" (or impulse response, I'm not sure about the technology used by the plugin).

Nowadays, in the market the most respected companies are simulating the classic amps, and the possible flexibility of these tools goes as far as a simple digital adaptation accepts, nothing more (I own most of them, Plugin Alliance, Softube, Positive Grid, etc. and I still use real guitar amps for my productions).

But if Fabfilter allows Saturn 2 users to disable the IR's of all that amp algorithms, it would make possible the association with other third party IR's of our choice (just one IR for the full frequency range, what's not possible using different amps from Saturn 2), or to send the distorted track to a real guitar/bass cabinet. I have no doubt that the results would be unprecedented.

Just imagine your distorted guitar/bass with different:
1- distortion profiles;
2- amount of distortion;
3- compression;
4- level;
On up to six different frequency ranges! All of this combined with the incredible modulation section! It wound be like endless possibilities to create a modern and unprecedented behavior (and sound) for your virtual guitar amp! Not to (one more time!) clone a classic amp, but to move forward and start a new way to think about this, coherently with the digital world. And Fabfilter knows how to create tools that justify the use of a digital realm instead the analog.

Only do I believe it would create a new (and real) reason to choose for digital amps? Not why they are cheaper and silent (poor reasons) but why they are coherent and really explore the universe that they are based on (digital).

Thank you for the possibility to share this ideas!

Gustavo Scaranelo

I second this! I've been getting a lot of great use out of Saturn for my guitar. First, as a stellar clean tone solution that I feel the market doesn't address well enough. But I've come to really enjoy the high gain tones I can get.

Harlow Burn

@Harlow Could you explain that "clean tone" in detail please. I always feel unsafe about my clean tone. Which algorithm do you use? Any special thing you do?

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