FabFilter User Forum

Apple Silicon users: does everyone have that little loading screen still?

I'm on a MB Air and a Mac Mini, both still have that little loading screen in Logic (when not running in Rosetta) before a plugin opens. Running latest version of FF complete bundle, obviously. Is this happening for everyone else? Thanks!


Still on the fence in regards to M1 Macs, but if I may weigh in... Audio Units are incredibly finicky, have you tried restarting your Mac or clearing the AU cache?
I hope someone weighs in with actual hands on experience regarding this configuration, that may be more helpful :)))


Thanks Bram, tried everything I could think of, deleting prefs, rebooting, re-installing. Weirdly, on my Air, the new ones overwrote an earlier version, but on the mini they were installed as the first thing, and both machines have the 'issue'. Now, I wanna say, I am so far able to run a TON of FF plugs on these, emulated or not. I'm just curious whether Logic/Rosetta actually still thinks it needs to emulate although they should be running natively.


I'm having the same "issue" on my MacBook Air M1.
But actually I don't think it is running under Rosetta. When running a single wave plugin for example(that I know is running under Rosetta) , the AUhostCompatilityService is an active process in the activity monitor.
When running a single fab filter plugin, the process disappears.
(And the Fabfilter plugins runs very smooth by the way on M1 Macs!


I think you're right, somebody pointed out something similar on Gearslutz, that when looking closely in the activity monitor, fabfilter plugs don't show up in the AUHostCompatibilityService. So hopefully, running as intended :)

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