FabFilter User Forum

Easy way to toggle max quality/oversampling on all plugins

Hey guys, I sometimes have massive projects with a lot of FabFilter instances, and when I export, obviously I want maximum quality. However, it's tiresome to go through and toggle max oversampling on/off on all plugins. I want to toggle it back off when I go back to work on the track and prevent my CPU catching fire. Is there a way to setup a macro to toggle it on/off instantly? Thanks!


Yeah, I’ve requested this a while ago, FabFilter guys said something about how it will complicate the interface and how oversampling is not that important (on compressor, high-frequency de-esser and saturator, right).

So the only hope is for them to review where they stand about that.


Thanks for answering Sergey, basically oversampling would only be really important when limiting? Still I'm using multiple instance of Pro-L2 on my vocal tracks, so it could be relevant to have that one-click shift all instances to oversampling.


It’s important on everything that introduces harmonics, so compression (limiting as well as it’s basically a compression with a huge ratio) and saturation, especially when it comes to higher frequencies as this is where aliasing becomes an issue.




Hi LeCroix,

At the moment it's not possible to have different oversampling settings for playback an offline bouncing. It's also not possible to change the oversampling of all FabFilter plug-ins at once at the moment.

We personally believe that it's always best to use the same oversampling settings when you are mixing as when you are exporting. Especially with heavy distortion, having no oversampling can really impact the sound and therefore your mixing decisions. However, we understand that in large sessions it can be hard on your CPU to have all plug-ins in their optimal oversampling mode. We might add a feature like this in the future.


Ralph (FabFilter)

I second this. It would be nice given the real world conditions and limitations many of us work under.


Bump on this. Your plugins are amazing, but going around tweaking 2x or 4x to save CPU after every export is very tiresome.


Would love to have a universal oversample toggle button. Would save me a lot of time..

Martin Sæthren

Another bump. 80% of my plugins i use are fabfilter. this would be massive help

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