FabFilter User Forum

Saturn 2 feature request - sidechain for amplitude detection

Hi, it would be great to get a built in sidechain EQ section in saturn 2 (like we have in pro C2) - I've been using this a lot to soften harsh transients in drums, sometimes it would be really useful to be able to detect just the high/high-mid frequencies when using the envelope follower/generators to catch the transients I'm after


(Sorry, I should have given this post a better title as it sounds like I'm requesting a standard sidechain feature which I know saturn 2 already has! It's really a request for a built in filter as a sidechain)


I second this. As serial compression/expansion, I use Pro-C2/Pro-G's sidechain EQ with an Envelope Follower mapped to ratio & ScEQ filter Q resonance to specifically focus on the Fundamental frequency, 1st harmonic, 2nd harmonic, 3rd harmonic, and the 3-6 kHz (Fletcher Munson) range.

Being able to apply my process with a sidechain EQ filter for Saturn would make this a game changer and an even more versatile plugin amongst all of the other saturation plugins out there.



We do not have a side-chain filter, but you can set Saturn 2 to use one of the bands as a trigger for the EF or EG. So if you don't want the kick to trigger a certain modulation you can just make an extra band and use the top band as the input of the EG or EF.

Ralph (FabFilter)
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