FabFilter User Forum

Inconsistent plugin names in Cubase

I recently purchased two plugins: FabFilter Pro-DS and FabFilter Pro-G.
Took me ages to find them as these are seen in Cubase as Pro-DS and Pro-G.

All the other Fabfilter plugins I own have the company name in front, e.g.
FabFilter Pro-Q3.

How to get Cubase to show the Pro-DS and Pro-G plugin names as
FabFilter Pro-DS and FabFilter Pro-G?



With the latest 2 general updates, we removed the FabFilter prefix for VST3 plug-ins. Some mixer windows could not deal with long plug-in names, and showed only FabFilter Pr.. on the insert slot, so you could not see what plug-in is actually inserted. For that reason we removed the FabFilter prefix.

If you have not updated your other plug-ins after last June they will still have the old name, and therefore it is possible that there are inconsistencies between different plug-ins. If you update all your plug-ins to the latest version (we released an update today!) they should all appear the same.


Ralph (FabFilter)
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