FabFilter User Forum

Simple Phaser, Chorus, Flanger

Hello All,

I am such a huge fan of FF. I spent too many years using other plugins and struggling to get beautiful sounds. Making beautiful sounds with FF is just intuitive, easy, full featured, comprehensive, etc.....

.... and only up to a point.

I am struggling with Volcano (and possible the others) to easily make a simple phaser, chorus, and flanger. Yes I understand that FF can do these things but the modulation architecture in FF is just one bit too fiddly for me and it is taking me a while to really get a handle on it.

For instance, I would love to just have a simple leslie cabinet. Or a simple auto stereo panner. Yes, I have been able to make these but it took a minute for sure.

I would love to see FF create something like the new Waves Kaleidoscopes because I desperately don't want to use that. The promise of it though really hits a sweet spot. Simple and targeted to a few specific effects. Easy.

If anyone has any presets that they have made to do the above mentioned effects and would pass them along, I'd love to see how you did it. Recommendations very welcome.

Love FF. Can't really believe how GREAT it is (same kind of greatness as RME).




Hi Rob,

Thanks for the nice words. We do indeed not have a plug-in dedicated to phaser, chorus and flanger effects. There are a few cool chorus presets in Timeless 2 though.

We'd love to release a plug-in that offers these kinds of effects, but then again our wish list is very long :-)


Ralph (FabFilter)

yes to this!

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