FabFilter User Forum

Pro C2 external sidechain issue

I'm sidechaining a sub-bass with a kick as the trigger. The kick is on a MIDI track. I noticed that when I would play a part back in my Logic session, I would hear the sub bass doing something very weird, so I hit the "audition" button on pro c2 (so I could see if what was triggering the compression matched my kick pattern), I discovered that the kick pattern that was triggering the compressor was very erratic and definitely not what I had written via MIDI. It was certainly an error of some sort. Sometimes when i would hit "pause" on the playback, the kick still kept playing through the audition mode on pro c2 (even after i had already paused in logic). When I bounced the kick out to audio, it stopped doing this erratic behavior and simply triggered the compression based on the pattern of the kick like normal. However, I have done this same process multiple times, while having the trigger for the sub bass sidechain be a kick that was coming from MIDI. I don't like to bounce immediately if I'm in the process of writing because i'll go back and change the kick patterns as I get further into the writing process. This is on a fairly new session in Logic in which I began writing a new song. I have other sessions for completed works where I did this same thing and i never bounced the kick to audio, just left it as midi, and the pro c2 reacted perfectly fine. now it's acting weird all of a sudden.


Hi Linn,

Could you email us your project to info@fabfilter.com, so we can have a look?

What OS version, logic version and Pro-C 2 version are you using?


Ralph (FabFilter)
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