FabFilter User Forum

Cubase presets

I recently built a new system on OS X 10.15.

I'm having a problem where I can't save my presets. This is happening with most of my plugins but I thought I'd see if anyone here has a solution.

It says it is not a valid path. I read somewhere that parts of OSX are read only now, perhaps this is the problem?



Apologies, I've fixed this by manually making a Fabfilter folder in the user library. I guess this will be streamlined in future updates, unless I messed up my install.


Hi Paul,

Normally the presets are automatically installed during the installation of the plug-in. However, it could be that the installation of the presets cannot be completed due to the read/write permissions of the folder. The settings of this permission depends on the OS version.


Ralph (FabFilter)
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