FabFilter User Forum

Processing stems with L2 in Logic

Hi, when I bought the L2 it was not able to process stems with it's sidechain feature. Has that been fixed yet?

chris maxwell

Hi Chris,

Pro-L 2 is capable of stem processing using the side-chain function. However, there is a latency compensation bug in Logic which make it not possible to use stem processing. Basically the the side-chain input of Logic will be compensated for plug-in latency with the same amount that the channel itself will be compensated. This results in the side-chain signal arriving late in the plug-in, so there will an offset in time between the input and side-chain, resulting in processing being applied too late.

We have reported this issue multiple times with Apple, but as for as we know this has not been fixed.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Is this the same for ProTools? It's not working correctly for me. Seems to actually be limiting EARLY of all things!

David Boucher

Hi David,

Pro Tools is a different story. First of all, Pro Tools only offers mono side-chaining busses. It simply folds together a stereo track into mono when sending it to a side-chain input. This is the first reason why stem limiting would not work properly in Pro Tools.

Besides that, the only version of Pro Tools that supports delay compensation of side-chain signals is HDX. Unfortunately this is not supported on Pro Tools Native or HD Native. So when you are using side-chaining on a non-HDX system, the side-chain source should come from a track without any plug-ins, otherwise the timings do not match.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Thanks, Ralph.

I always print a pre-limited track to use as my sidechain so it can be solo isolated and free of plug-ins. It is frustrating that the sidechain is mono for a great plug-in like Pro L-2 with it's response controls for stereo linking. In operation, I'd prefer to have the Gain and Output controls affect only the signal I am choosing to process. At the moment, the Gain knob affects the sidechain input and the processed signal. Also, with an external sidechain, the Output knob acts more like a fader than a determination of maximum output level or the processed signal. Anyway, I'm sure there are reasons for the operation. I was trying Reaper to see if it worked better, but that program seems to have its own issues with sidechain routing for third party plugs. Maybe Studio One? I just need it in the last stage, so I could switch DAW's for final processing as long as 5.1 is supported.

Happy holidays!


David Boucher

Hey David, did you find a solution to this? I need to deliver mastered stems and I have the same issues where the limiter just doesn't work properly when sidechaining is engaged.

I'm using Studio One 5 btw.



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