FabFilter User Forum

No VST3 in Cubase 10.5 on Mac

I canĀ“t still finding the FabFilters Pro-C2, Pro-Q3 and Pro-R as a VST3 plugin in Cubase on a Mac.
I added the path for the VST3 instruments in which the Fabfilters VST3 plugins are. But they are not in Cubase.
Can anybody help me please?
All updates done...
Thanks a lot
Kind Regards


Hi Roman,

In our latest general update we removed the FabFilter prefix for the VST3 and AU versions of our plug-ins. Having the full name as a prefix cluttered up the mixing window, so you could not see which plug-in was which. Unfortunately we cannot alter the name of the plug-ins in the plug-in list for the VST2 format without changing the complete plug-in name.

Because of this, the VST2 and VST3 plug-ins appear under a different name. In the plug-in list, the VST2 version is called FabFilter Pro-Q 3. The VST3 version is simply called Pro-Q 3. Could it be you are just looking under the F in the plug-in list, or that you are searching for "fab" for instance? In that case you will not see Pro-Q 3, since it's under the P and does not include "fab".


Ralph (FabFilter)
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