FabFilter User Forum

Is the knee affecting the release or only the attack?

Pro-C 2 — The knee determines the ease-in of the ratio at the beginning of the attack. Does the knee also affect the ease-out at the beginning of the release?

Michael A

Hi Michael,

As a soft knee makes the compression slide out more gently when the signal goes back under the threshold, it does have influence over the release. The Release knob sets the time that the compressor takes to recover from gain reduction. However, when using a soft knee, the recovery from gain reduction is a lot more smooth than when using a hard knee. Therefore the release is always slightly slower when using a soft knee as compared to using a hard knee.

When you have the release on the shortest setting you will see in the gain reduction meter that the release of the compressor increases when you soften the knee.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Hi Ralph,

Excellent. Thank you for the answer. You might like to consider adding this info to the Pro-C2 manual. You guys rule!

Michael A
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