FabFilter User Forum

Saturn 2 Presets

Recently I upgraded my Saturn license to the new release. Congrats, Saturn 2 sounds excellent and offers impressive flexibility. The high quality modes make audible improvements to the sound without sacrificing too many CPU cycles. The new UI is elegant and attractive.

If there's one thing I miss from the old version it's the breadth of presets. I know that the V1 preset folder is available in V2 but with all the new ways to modulate the effect in V2, it would be nice if there were an abundance of new presets. What's there isn't bad, it just feels limited and the names are pretty plain Jane, not as evocative as with V1.

I hope you'll consider releasing some preset packs, including some with a future software update, or at least engaging Dan Worrall to make one of his incredible tutorials for the YT channel.



Hi Egon,

Thank you for upgrading to Saturn 2. First of all thanks for the compliments; Much appreciated!

The approach we took with Saturn 2 regarding our presets is a bit different from v1. We mainly focused on offering less presets and make the ones we've included more "bread and butter" presets, the ones you're more likely to use in your average mixing session.

We do encourage our users to share presets on our forum and I'm sure that if you'll start a thread there will be plenty of people that are happy to share their personal favourites.

Its quite easy to get really creative and crazy with our updated modulation section. A preset pack or tutorial is quite an interesting idea. We're definitely planning on releasing a video with Dan!



Maarten de Boer
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