FabFilter User Forum

Weird bug

Fabfilter pro Q-3 seems stops working properly after having the pc on for a half day without input: some of the eq bands stop working after a the pc stayed on for about a night. It didn't go to sleep or hibernate.

It would only fix itself after touching a certain parameter like the q value or the volume depending on the bandtype. It's most noticeable when using the dynamic function. It will input audio and register it, but the curve doesn't go down or affect audio OR it will be stuck at the lowest value and never go up to normal.

alex vnr

Can you consistently reproduce this issue with a particular preset? If so, can you email that preset to us with steps on how to reproduce the problem? We'd love to be able to fix it.


Frederik (FabFilter)

It's not a preset it's the plugin itself. I usually start empty and add in stuff. It has happened with multiple instances in the same project.

alex vnr

I understand, but I'm looking for a combination of settings that will trigger the bug. It sounds to me that it will probably only occur with some combinations of settings. So if you can reproduce it, please save the plug-in parameters as a preset and send the preset to us.

Which host and OS are you using?


Frederik (FabFilter)

I'm experiencing a similar issue with Pro-MB. Sometimes they just don't process the input. I usually end up switching the A/B button to get them working again, but it gets tiresome when you have it on a lot of tracks. This happens in all kinds of different settings.


Want to add that this seems to happen after a period of inactivity. I'm using Win10 with Abelton live. I have a project open now with this issue if there is any way I could share more info with you please let me know.


Hi Alex and Mikael,

We have received multiple remarks like this in Live and we are in contact with Ableton to see what the problem is.

If we have any news I'll give you an update here.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Hi Alex and Mikael,

Would it be possible to send us your Ableton Status Report? Please see below how you get a Status Report:


Please email it to info@fabfilter.com


Ralph (FabFilter)

I have sent a mail this morning. Hope it helps, and let me know if you need more info.

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