FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q3 Feature Request: De-Harshing Mode

It would be great if in the next update/upgrade of Pro Q we got a de-harshing mode where resonances are automatically controlled similar to how they are in the plugin Soothe by Oeksound. This would add so much more value to Pro Q and it would absolutely make it the ultimate EQ tool that renders all other EQ plugins useless including the new plugins that do this sort of thing.


Oh yes, this would be a nice feature to have.
Although it probably will complicate the otherwise clean UI.

So maybe a separate product for this purpose... *fingers crossed*


What's wrong with Soothe / Soothe 2?

Morten Andersen

@Sergey it could be as simple as a single button or a little window that pops up when you click on a button. The whole point is having an all-in-one ultimate EQ plugin.

@Morten Andersen Soothe is $219 (€185) and doesn’t offer 90% of the functionality Pro Q offers. Why wouldn’t you want this feature added to Pro Q?


Hi Ibrahim,

We are constantly looking for new ways to improve our current plug-ins. However we cannot yet say what a possible new version of Pro-Q will bring in terms of new functionality. Only time will tell :-)

Cheers, Ralph

Ralph (FabFilter)

Hi, I haven't tried Soothe yet but to me it looks like ProQ3 already has a similar function where it points out all the harsh or problematic frequencies....you just select them manually and make them dynamic?

So it's not automatic but still pretty close to what Soothe does or am i wrong about that?

Ivo Reisch

@Ivo Reisch no, you’re not quite right on that one. Soothe will suppress dynamic resonances which change as the audio changes in real-time. That’s like shifting thousands of dynamic bands and changing their depth with the audio in real-time.

To do a similar but less powerful thing in Pro-Q3 you would need to automate all 24 bands so that they move and change every fraction of a second as audio changes.

I actually ended up getting soothe2 and man is it a time saver. Multiple sessions of it are on every single session I have now.

I worry for FabFilter Pro-Q’s superiority. There used to be nothing close to it on the market, now there are much more advanced EQ’s and so many of them are for much, much lower prices (such as kiloHearts’s Curve EQ which is normally $80 but is on a 50% sale now at $40).

Pro-Q4 will have to offer tons and I mean TONS of incredible features to not get left behind.


I get that lines are beginning to blur these days between many frequency based effects plugins these days, but I wouldn't describe Soothe as an EQ. It's more like a dynamic, harmonics aware multiband compressor. It would almost make more sense for Fabfilter to add this type of functionality to ProMB, or maybe they just merge ProMB/ProQ together into one mega-plugin? As a developer it must be hard with stuff like this to prevent too much feature creep overlap between distinctive products. If they add too many dynamic EQ features to ProQ, then MB becomes less and less attractive.

With more and more machine/AI learning acceleration entering the mainstream, it'll be interesting to see how devs incorporate more of these "smart" analysis features into their plugins.


I agree with the dynamic resonance suppressor on Fabfilter Q4 would be a great feature but not at the cost of the quality of Q3. I just feel Fabfilter could do it better than Soothe 2.

Scott Bosworth
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