FabFilter User Forum

Odd graphical error in Timeless 2

Sine the recent updates to all the plugins, I'm getting some odd graphical behaviour with timeless 2.

im using Cubase 10.0.60 on an iMac 5k retina running macOS 10.14.6 and i have a secondary monitor running at a different resolution to the main iMac display. This is plugged in via a thunderbolt to HDMI lead which i use for to display the mix console of Cubase.

this only happens with timeless 2, but if i move it from my main window onto the 2nd monitor, the 2 little boxes that show if the filters are either serial, parralel or by channel become a little messed up but are still operational under the graphical glitches.

I have tested all my other fabfilter plugins and others from different manufacturers but its only timeless2 that goes wonky moving between monitors.

I have taken screenshots if you would like to see them.


Hi Humpo,

That's strange. Could you check if the problem also exists when using the previous version of Timeless 2:


Thanks in advance.


Ralph (FabFilter)
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