FabFilter User Forum

Discounts stacking

Hey everyone, I was wondering if the summersale discounts and educational discounts stack! I've been wanting to pick up the fabfilter-plugins for quite a while, and if the summersale and educational discounts stack this would be the perfect time!

Kik Hoekjen

Also I was wondering if the user discounts are the same for everyone, or i they're personal. If it's the same for everyone that'd be amazing, as a friend of mine has gotten some awesome deals! Thanks in advance!

Kik Hoekjen

Not sure about the educational discount, but usually the biggest discount wins - so no stacking. The discounts on the personal upgrades seem personal, as they rise the more plugins you upgrade to (same behaviour when there's no sale). Hope this helps.


Hi Kik,

In our system multiple discounts are never combined. It's simply the highest one that counts.


Ralph (FabFilter)
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