FabFilter User Forum

Algorithm navigation suggestion Saturn 2


Love Saturn 2 but it gets a little tedious having to open the menu every time I want to try a new algorithm. It's a pain to drop it down every time. I'd suggest an arrow on each end of the gray bar so you can easily click through the algorithms quickly and easily. It's the only thing missing from the interface, in my opinion. If you are curious, I have a picture I made in MS Paint.



Matt Noble

Hi Matt,

Thank you for your interest in Saturn 2. We did actually add a smart control that allows you to quickly switch between algorithms. Just hover over the menu with your mouse and use the jog-wheel to switch between algorithms. That should do the trick, no more menu diving! ;-)



Maarten (Fabfilter)


Thanks for the lightning fast response!

Sounds great! I'll check it out.



Matt Noble

Hi Marteen,

I'd like to participate with one more suggestion regarding Saturn algorithms pick flow.

For me the picking of saturation type starts with the first Tube algo and by scrolling I listen all the types suitable for the situation.

But there's a hard bit, as Amp section is placed between Tape & Transformator. Because amp is a much-much harder and tone-changing saturation and I usually don't want it in a general saturation scenario, so I have to end scrolling on the last Tape type, manually switch via popup to the Transformer and continue to scroll with a mouse wheel.

It makes much more sense to me to have Amp section before the FX, so all the "make it sound densier and mojo" algos are placed consequently.

Consdier this little change please.



Cool to know about the scroll function, I'll have to give that a try.

Can I request some easy way to randomize either the existing band's algorithm chosen and a button that would allow me to randomize all bands? Due to the linear progression of choices that are available, I find users will end up neglecting options for to workflow reasons and how long it can take to try a bunch of different modes.

Thanks! Much appreciated.

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