FabFilter User Forum

Saturn 2 - Auto Gain Button

Hi Guys,

I was checking Saturn 2 and I could not find any Auto gain button as Pro C2 has. Saturn 2 has Auto gain feature? (i prefer gain staging manually in excessive changes)



+1 to that !
That would be super convenient.


Saturn 2 does try to preserve the overall gain when you change the Drive knob, is that what you mean?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi Frederik,

Yes, that is what I mean.
After your response I had to check again and I found that for some material it works very well, and for others it doesn't.
It feels like it's doing a better job preserving level when the source is full-range, like a full drum-set, or a piano playing the lows and highs together.
But when playing an electric guitar, or vocals it changes the level quite a bit.
If there's a way to make the auto-gain a bit more accurate that would be awesome.

Cheers :}


Hi Yroth,

The problem is that this feature simply cannot work well on all audio material because it assumes an average input loudness, and preserves that loudness in the output. If your input is less loud than average, it will typically make it louder in the output.

We could improve this by detecting the average input loudness, but that has the disadvantage of acting like a slow compressor/expander. So we've decided that it's best to keep a static approach and accept that it's not always perfect. :)


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi Frederik,

I see your point, and agree.

Out of curiosity - is the "average" level based on what you think would be optimal input level for this particular plugin, or is it kind of arbitrary?

Thanks :}

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