FabFilter User Forum

Fabfilter Pro-R Reaper 6ch?

Hello :)

I work on every most populars DAW's and my "biggest love" for workflow 'landed' next to Reaper a few years ago:)
Last time I had to mix down DVD live production from concert band of my friends, and I would like to use Pro-R reverb for mix and when I change my setup for 5.1 I've noticed that I can not use my favourite reverb in surround mode...
I've checked that point in Logic Pro X and that was obvious for me that Pro-R could be used in that way (latest mix 5.1 I've made in Logic Pro X).
Tell me, pliss - if I have made any mistake in Reaper or is it any solution to use Pro-R in 6ch mode in Reaper?

Thank You

Sławomir Gładyszewski

Hi Sławomir,

At this moment Pro-R is not available in surround. Currently only Pro-Q 3 and Pro-L 2 are supported in surround. We'd love to make a 5.1 version of Pro-R, but there are also a lot of other things we'd like to do :-)


Ralph (FabFilter)

I know that:))


But tell just one thing (i'm a teacher) why AU plugin in logic pro x can do that?

Is this a problem with reaper engine?

Best regards my Friend

Sławomir Gładyszewski

hi Sławomir,

Logic basically just creates 6 mono versions of a plug-in when inserting it on a surround channel when a surround version is not available. However, the plug-in itself will not be surround.


Ralph (FabFilter)
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