FabFilter User Forum

Q3 Masking "talkback" feature to other tracks please

Would be nice if Q3 instances could "talk" to each other. So when you are looking at Masking and you need to correct something, you stay within same instance, without jumping to another track. (I believe Izotope has it this way). This is a wish/ request Probably was asked before :)


I like your suggestion. I use Q3 and I also have the Isotope Neutron suite. You're right, it's a good feature...you can run an instance of Neutron on say, drums, and another on bass, and see in real time where the frequencies pile up/mask, and then make adjustments and see the impact.
Both products are great and again, this is a good feature request imo, but I just want to point out that Izotope Neutron carries way more processor overhead. For this reason alone, I don't use this feature as much as I might. If you start putting an instance on guitars, vocals, drums, bass, etc., it really starts to add a lot of overhead.
I realize there's a lot going on in Neutron (or Ozone for that matter) so I'm not saying this is all attributable to that specific feature, it's just an observation.
I actually find myself using Q3 for sidechaining quite a bit. I'll send drums to a return track, and then use that as a sidechain input for bass compression (or whatever). I set the Q3 Pre/Post/SC Analyzer to see both spectra to figure out where the masking is and tune my dynamic EQ accordingly.


I fully agree about Neutron. New Izotope things are processor leaches. That was the sole reason why I dropped it in favor of Fab.
That being said... Fabfilter analyzer is there and is not taxing CPU the way Izotope "instances" are. I do not see how it can significantly impact CPU by sending curve information to another instance within any other instances. I do not have issues with 4-5 instances of Q3 running. I am not a programmer, so guessing here. Perhaps Fab tech can answer that.
Thank you.

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