FabFilter User Forum

Horrifically loud noise produced from Pro L2 out of nowhere

This has happened to me on numerous occasions.
I work on a project with pro L2 on the master and everything is working great. I then minimize ableton and to go work on something else for a while. Then, when returning to my ableton project and pressing play on my tune, I am subjected to the most horrifically loud and distorted noise imaginable. Truly ear bursting. I mean this sincerely. It really is dangerously loud, to the point where I believe if I had been wearing headphones at the time it could have damaged my hearing.
The issue persists until a restart of Ableton is performed.
I turned down the volume and went through all my plugins, to eventually find that Pro L2 is in fact the culprit.

Has this happened to anyone else?

Joel Sinnott

This is not a mistake, it is an intensional time bomb for using cracked L2.


I also have this issue with several different fabfilter plugins. I run them in Studio One. Nothing cracked. Same issue on two different machines.

J o n a s

I had the same issue when I used izotope Ozone Imager. Do you use any izotope plug-in?



J o n a s

Any solutions?

The same is happening for me...not using cracked plugins...its crazy


Exactly same very loud squalling which little doubt would have caused hearing damage.

Seems to creep up out of blue, after few hours using Ableton 10. Software always 100% kosher.

AJ Norman

Hi guys,

When you have always used the installers from our website you should not get any noise bursts. If you are, one thing that you could try, is to uninstall -all- FabFilter plug-ins, so also demo's of plug-ins that you haven't licensed etc. (see www.fabfilter.com/support/faq/#how-do-i-completely-uninstall-plug-ins-from-my-system).

After this, restart your computer, open your DAW again confirm that it doesn't show any FabFilter plug-ins anymore. Because if it does, this might mean that you didn't uninstall everything and some plug-ins files might be placed in unexpected places on your drive...

Then, if you're a 100% sure there are no FabFilter plug-ins on your system, re-install by downloading from www.fabfilter.com/download .

If this does not help, please send us an email at info@fabfilter.com.


Ralph (FabFilter)
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