FabFilter User Forum

Fabfilter pro Q LPF & HPF

Up until now I have always used my DAW (Cubase) EQ and when I Sometimes like to use the HPF nad LPF to listen to only the low or high end while I make EQ decisions. I just purchased Fabfilter and when I try to do this therein the filter doesn't really filter out the whole high end signal. A lot of the original signal remains.

So Let's say I want to EQ my acoustic guitar, I may set the LPF to around 200Hz so that I can just listen to just the low end of the guitar and see where needs work. With Fabfilter, when I set the LPF to 200Hz, I can still hear the whole frequency spectrum with only a slight reduction in the frequencies I have filtered out. I even go right down to 50Hz and the signal is only a little softer. Why does the track still play if I have filtered out all the frequencies?


Hi Arman,

The default LPF and HPF in Pro-Q 3 are 12db/oct. This means that if you put a LPF at 200Hz, it will be -12db at 400Hz, -24 at 800Hz etc. Therefore frequencies above the 200Hz will still be audible.

If you really want to hear nothing above the selected frequency, you can set the filters to be brick wall filters. These are the steepest filters available in Pro-Q 3. For more info about these filters, please see



Ralph (FabFilter)

Hi Ralph. I know how the HPF and LPF filters should work because I have been using my DAW EQ in cubase for years but I can assure you this is not the case here. Even with the brickwall slope for example, If I take a rhythm guitar track and roll off everything above 50Hz I should only hear the low-end rumble but I can still here the whole frequency spectrum of the track in the background. The other frequencies only get reduced slighlty in volume. If I could send you some audio files you can hear for yourself what the plugin is doing. Is this possible?

FYI, this also happens with the audition function, the plugin only seems to reduce the background frequencies slightly while auditioning a specific frequency using a bell node.

Thanks for your help


Hi Arman,

Would it be possible to send us your project, so we can have a closer look? Please send it to info@fabfilter.com.


Ralph (FabFilter)
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