FabFilter User Forum

Q3 bug? in PT- massive freq boost on one band after idle

After leaving a session idle, I am getting a ~+10db boost on a freq that was actually cut. If I wiggle the freq knob and bring back to the same freq, the problem goes away. Also, quitting and restarting fixes the prob. Anyone run across this?


PT 2019.12.0 HDX
Mac OS 10.14.6

Charley Pollard

Hi Charley,

How long has the session been idle? And did you check if the problem was only graphical or if you also heard a boost instead of the cut?


Ralph (FabFilter)


Just a few hours idle. I definitely heard the boost! That's how I found the issue. This happened on another file a few days ago on a different artist and group of sessions. I didn't realize that this was the issue, so I just restarted and the problem went away. It reappeared a couple of times after that, and since I was in a hurry I just restarted and finished the mix.


Charley Pollard

Oh, and graphically if was still showing the ~3db cut on that freq.

Charley Pollard
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