FabFilter User Forum

Twin 2 : can't change controller values in MIDI sources


I've come across a strange yet blocking problem :
When I add a new MIDI modulation source in Twin 2, and set it as "Controller" type, the number box right underneath is not greyed out, but I still cannot change the controller number (set to 0 by default).

How can I solve this problem ? Or is it normal and there is something I don't get ? According to the user manual, page 26, I should be able to change this value.

Any help would be appreciated,




The display shows the current MIDI value that the controller is passing through. When there is not MIDI controller assigned to the parameter, this is defaulted to 0.

Please email us at info@fabfilter.com to get into the details of how to do this in your DAW.


Ralph (FabFilter)
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