FabFilter User Forum

Post Processing work flow Fab Filter/Sound Forge Pro 12

Im using SoundForge Pro 12 and Fab Filter plugins to process live recordings
Id like to get some feedback on workflow. Ive searched but cant really find a sequence that includes eq/multiband compressor. I like what the Fabfilter MB does to the recordings. The below may change depending on the recording but....
Using Pro-MB I would typically use the "4 band punch and balance" preset but Band 1= +.25 dB @56.391 Hz, Band 3 = +.33 dB@ 356.65 Hz, Band 2 = 0.0 dB @3286.3 Hz, Band 4 = +0.2 dB @16432 Hz. I dont touch the default compress attack/release etc.. settings and leave them at default
My main question is should I use FabFilter MB before or after I normalise?

My workflow
1) edit out clappers/clicks
2) Normalize to -0.3 dB
3) add Fab Filter plugins to 1) Pro-Q 3 as a low cut filter 6db slope@50hz 2) Pro-MB to use a very slight 4 band "punch" 3) Pro-Q to do a "stereo Enhancer"
4) Resample from 88.2khz or 96khz to 44.1 khz
5) Convert from 24 bit to 16 bit with dither

Please let me know what you think

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