FabFilter User Forum

FabFilter 2020

Is there any new FabFilter plugin coming up in 2020?

We've been waiting quite some time since Pro-Q 3 came out without any news. I know you guys don't like to spoil anything but atleast we would like to know if there's something new you're working on for 2020.




Even though we will not reveil what it is, we are excited to say that something is coming! Just keep your eyes on our website and socials.


Ralph (Fabfilter

How soon shall we expect it? At least in terms of quarters, this quarter maybe? Next quarter of the year? 3rd quarter? 4th quarter?

Ibrahim A.

Hi Ibrahim,

We never announce products in advance. Just keep an eye on our website.


Ralph (Fabfilter

No updates or product news since March 2019, that's a pretty long time... I am really curious what FabFilter is up to this year. Still hoping for a FabFilDAW, although I guess it's unlikely to happen. And in the current situation I just hope that everyone at FabFilter is healthy and safe.


Hey guys!

We're all safe and well, working from our homes. Keep your eyes open, we've got something nice coming for you shortly!


Ralph (FabFilter)
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