FabFilter User Forum

Can I use FF on 3 systems (but two computers?)

I have two computers, a desktop (mac mini) and a macbook pro.
The macbook pro is dual boot - one is my main system, and the other

is barebones minimal install and generally offline live-concert system installation.
The two are never used at the same time since they're on the same computer.
Does FF see the same computer but different system as identical ID? Or can i run into issues if I authorise on the 3rd (live) OS?


Hi Ploki,

You can just license our products on all 3 systems, that's no problem! You do have to license it 3 times, as our licensing is stored in a pref's file in your library. If your two systems on your computer have separate library's they would need their own licensing.


Ralph (FabFilter)
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