FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q3 crashes Cubase 10.0.50 (latest release before their 10.5))


Ive been using Pro-Q3 without issues in Reaper for the last few months.

First time I try to insert it in Cubase pro 10.0.50, the project will freeze everytime and need force quit with ctrl alt delete.

Ive reported to Cubase and many more users have problems with Fabfilters in Cubase 10 ish versions. All related to project crashes.

Please check on your side if ever it might be in the code.


Alexandre Desroches

Hi Alexandre,

We've got a lot of support cases the last week concerning Cubase 10.5 and Pro-Q 3 crashes. We're investigating!


Ralph (FabFilter)

Ralph to add to this, I also see the crash not only using Pro Q 3 but when trying to open any 2nd fab filter plugin in the project

Andres Corrales S.

Hi, where is the update to fix this problem? Pro-q is crashing Cubase 10.5 still.

Where is the fix?

Ok, thanks for checking this out Ralph

Alexandre Desroches

We've looked into this, and it seems to be a problem with Cubase 10.5, and not at all specific to FabFilter plug-ins but also happening with other third party plug-ins.

Actually, it turns out that Cubase 10.5 is -not- supported on macOS 10.13, but only on 10.14 (Mojave) and 10.15 (Catalina). See new.steinberg.net/cubase/compare-editions for specifications.


Floris (FabFilter)

lol I'm not surprised it's Cubase <3
Thats why I'm using Reaper more now a days.

Thanks for your verification

Alexandre Desroches

Still no solution?


Seriously, you guys. I own most of your plugins and i'm unable to use any of them since upgrading to cubase 10.5.

I know I'm not the only oneI'm not the only one. Why isn't anything being done about this?

I spent so much money on your (wonderful) plugins and literally can't use them anymore.


"Seriously, you guys. I own most of your plugins and i'm unable to use any of them since upgrading to cubase 10.5."

FF wrote:

"We've looked into this, and it seems to be a problem with Cubase 10.5, and not at all specific to FabFilter plug-ins but also happening with other third party plug-ins."

How many of you with problems have contacted the Steinberg support?


Hello Ralf, Hello Floris,

Any New about your "investigating" of Cubase 10.5 and Pro-Q 3 crashes?

The first discussion: Nov 25, 2019

Thank You


Quite recently, I have had a few Cubase crashes related to "OpenGL".

Perhaps video drivers could be an issue. I use an Nvidia RTX 2060 in my DAW.

I rolled back to the Studio-ready driver as I had updated to the Game-ready driver by mistake. It seemed to resolve my issues with both FabFilter and other plugins causing a Cubase to crash.

I also tested both versions of Cubase (10.0.50 and 10.5) and the crashes happened on both versions. Now they work perfectly.

Hope this helps.



Same problem here with your EQ and Cubase 10.5.

Any suggestions ? (except don't use your gear anymore).



My computer is running with Mojave 10.14.5.


Hey guys,

Steinberg release version 10.5.12 on February 2020. This update has some bug fixes. Please check if this resolves your issues. If not, please get in touch with us via info@fabfilter.com.


Ralph (FabFilter)


I have these problem an Cubase 10.5.12 too and other Cubase 10.5.x users as well.
The problem ist that Cubase runs into a endless loop (beachball) and gets unresponsive but does not crash with a crash report.

This problem was not before Cubase 10.5.


I have massive problems with Cubase 10.5 in general. I don't think this is an FabFilter exclusive problem but something on the Steinberg side. Same with having black screens when opening editors.



Here what Cubase answered to me yesterday. Hope u ll understand French...


Veuillez contacter Fabfilter à ce sujet
Ils utilisent peut être un open GL déprécié
Essayez avec Fabfilter Pro-Q2
Georges Boboé
Steinberg Technical Support Representative


In Cubase 10.5 try only ussing the vst3 version. It had nothing to do with fabfilter its more a Cubase thing. I have almost al the fabfilter plugins with vst2 its alwayings a gamble.. Stick with vst3 in Cubase.


Same problem happens when I put two q3 on insert or when I put for example q3 with console 1 to follow ... a disaster

(on cubase 10.5)


@Luca, can you provide more information on your system? Do you have a way to reliably reproduce the crash/hang?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Same problem here. FabFilter ProQ3 is crashing Cubase 10.5 randomly. It works flawlessly on one track, then inserting it on another causes the crash every time.


Hey guys,

Are you aware that Cubase 10.5 is only supported for Mac OS 10.14 Mojave and 10.15 Catalina? Cubase crashing when using third party plug-ins when running on OS's before 10.14 is a known issue. If you experience this, please upgrade your OS to a supported OS.


Ralph (FabFilter)

I am a PC user. Windows 10.



I am running with 10.14.5, and the problem is still there. No issues with Logic Pro x. Do u think it could help to reinstall Fabfilter EQ ?



I reinstalled several times. Didn't help.


Has anyone managed to resolve this issue? I'm having the same thing - using Cubase 10.5.12, Windows 10 64 bit, minimal plug-ins - The Glue, one Izotope instance. I9900k, 32 GB, Focusrite 18i8 USB - only use the computer for DAW work. Radeon R5 with latest drivers - no tweaking with settings.

Seems to be happen when I open Fabfilter plug-in - no waveforms display in the plug-in and the program locks up when I click the close box on the plug-in. Have to go into Task Manager, End Task, restart Cubase, same behavior when I open Fabfilter plug-ins. Have tried reinstall Fabfilter several times, it works for a bit, then the same thing re-occurs after a few minutes. Rendering my whole usage of any Fabfilter plug-ins useless - guess it's back to Waves until there's an update.

Jody Echegaray

In the Cubase forum are also user with these problem.
The most user are Mac user (also on Mavericks), but also some Windows user.
The problem is Cubase runs into a endless loop and it is not possible to get a crash report.


Hey Fabfilter,

I Have this issue as well. Your plugins are unusable with Cubase 10.5 (even the latest update).

Have you checked with Jerome said above, about Steinberg responding saying you where maybe not up to date ?

Also, i am having a visual bug as well. All of your plugins open up blurry. Only once i resize the window does it go back to normal. Very annoying...

You guys make the best plugins, but right now, they are useless for many of us. Please fix this ! I've only encountered issues with your plugins.



Yeah, I'm in contact with Steinberg now - the dump files all show a breakpoint occurring as soon as a Fabfilter plug-in (either Saturn or Pro-Q 3) window is open and then closed. What occurs for me is no waveform display - the plug-in window is "frozen", at least graphically. Cubase freezes up as soon as I try to close the plug-in, although the audio keeps playing.

Steinberg is thinking something in Fabfilter isn't playing well with either Windows 10, the graphics, or Cubase. I've spoken with other colleagues, and they're seeing the same thing - a lot of us are in the same boat and really frustrated. I'm looking at other EQ and saturation plug-ins, probably going to go back to Soundtoys for sat, and maybe a Waves or BX emulation for EQ, plenty of decent compressors on the market - at least that's what a colleague who owns a mixing and mastering studio here in Los Angeles is doing at the moment. We've both lost a lot of time with paying clients, so it's no longer feasible to wait for someone to figure out a solution.

Hoping you're having better luck on your end!

Jody Echegaray

I think I found the solution of the problem (at least in my case): It is the use of a second monitor! The crash/freeze only and always happened when moving the plugin to my 2nd monitor, and closing or opening it there.

It happened mainly with FabFilter, but also some other 3rd party plugins.

Hope that helps.



I have a single monitor, and yet the plugins as unusable. It would be nice to have a word from Fabfilter... at least to give us hope a solution is looked into...


Hi Oliver,

I tried just that with the latest Cubase 10.5.12 and Pro-Q 3.11. I have 200% scaling on my main monitor and 100% on the second monitor. Moving the Pro-Q 3 interface to the second monitor and back worked without any problems on my system. It seems to me that this could very well be caused by your graphics driver. You could try to disable graphics acceleration to see if that makes a difference:

It's also possible that you have a different configuration that triggers the error and that I would be able to reproduce it that way. Can you send us a small video of the crash at info@fabfilter.com (e.g. via WeTransfer) so we can have a further look?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Unfortunately the freeze isn't consistently reproducible. Meaning it happens sometimes, then it doesn't for a longer time. If it's happening again, though, I will try to record it and send it over.


Same thing is going on on my Macbook Pro 10.12.6. So far everything worked great, but lately it really went bad. I don't know what decides it sometimes works 100% sometimes is just one more instance of your plugin and i'm out.


Hi Frederik,

The freeze comes when I put two fab-filters in the cubase 10.5 insert channel: they can be two equal or two different fab-filters but the freeze still arrives

(I have Q3 and L2)

High sierra 10.13.6


Hi Luca,

Please be aware that Cubase 10.5 requires MacOS 10.14 or 10.15. Unfortunately Hier Sierra 10.13 is not supported, and results in the problems your describing above.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Hi Ralph.

In our studio (3 Mac Pro's) we are using both Cubase Pro 10.5 and Nuendo 10, which in the Steinberg website says "its supported on
macOS Sierra, macOS High Sierra, macOS Mojave, macOS Catalina" (new.steinberg.net/system-requirements/):
Fab Filters plugins crashes randomly, expecially if 2 Fab plugins have their GUI contemporarily opened.
Nuendo 10 requires Sierra upward, and in our systems (High Sierra) crashes exactly like on Cubase Pro 10.5.
It's a pity because we rely on FabFilter's plugins and it's a pity because, at least on this offical FF forum, we read always the same answer without any promise of working on this issue.
We love FabFilter, please let us still rely on it.


Hi Antonio,

Cubase 10.5 is only supported on MacOS Mojave and Catalina. Unfortunately it is not supported on Sierra and High Sierra. Please see the link below:


Nuendo is supported on Sierra and High Sierra like you say. I'll have to investigate what's going on there. I'll get back to you about this.


Ralph (FabFilter)


thank you for your prompt reply.
I confirm that Nuendo 10.3 has the same issue.
Thank you for your kindness, we'll all look forward to have this issue cleared and forgotten.

Best regards,


Antonio, can you send a crash log to us via email at info@fabfilter.com?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi peeps,
I had EXACTLY the same issue. I recently upgraded my system and OS. Now running on 10.13. on a MacPro 5,1 with NVME on PCIe and a Nvidia Geforce GTX 780.
AND Cubase 10.5.

I disabled the Graphics Acceleration mentioned above and dadadaadaaaa:
since now everything is going well so far, no matter how many Q3 I open it does not freeze anymore! Make sure you"ve try that and well and let everybody know if that helps on your end!
Thanks @ fabfilter Support!


Cubase 10.5 user on Mac, high Sierra
cubase crashed when I open two fabfilter Q3 at the same time
went back to cubase 10 no issues

probably a steinberg issue


Hi Lloyd,

It would be great if you could report this to Steinberg as well!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Frederick and Ralph,

thank you for your support.
It just happened on Nuendo 10.3.
Now I have to use Nuendo 8...

I cannot send you a crash log because the daw just freezes as soon as I open the FB MB and I had to force close Nuendo.
I'm working on a documentary in which I have just ONE Fb Mb...

Probably I'll move to Mojave but I'm feeling obliged to do so.
Well, let's see on Mojave...

Have a nice day,


Bonjour à tous, Hello to all,

Effectively, I have the same problem.
The only way I find is to open my work with Cubase 9.5.. .
I am still waiting an update via Fabfilter or Steinberg .. .

Eric Kaufmann

Hello all,
I have the same issue as above and my fabfilter Q3 is opened on the second monitor.

Tried these but did not work:
- removing the filter from the insert on that instrument..Software freeze
- Duplicating the instrument and removing the original instrument, still freezes.
- trying to change anything in the fabfilter Q3, still freezes.

Is there a way to manually edit the project file and manually removing the fabfilter so it does not even load in the project?


I manage to fix my issue with fabfilter Q3 freezing up my cubase 10.5.
Here is how I did it.

- Updated cubase 10.5 to the new version 10.5.6 or something
- Updated Fabfilter Q3 to the new version
- made a backup of my cubase VSTfolder.
- Deleted all VST inside the VSTfolder, these were old filters.
- Went into my designated VST folder outside of cubase folder. This is the folder I have installed all my filters and set as main folder for my cubase to look for filters.
- Made a backup for safe keepings.
- deleted the Q3.dll (this is the VST2)
- Copied the Q3 VST3 into Cubase default VST3 folder.

Started the project that was crashing, and this time it gave an error: could not find fabfilter-Q3.
This is perfect, and I pressed ok.
For some reasons, the Fabfilter Q3 that was crashing are still there, and this time it is not freezing my cubase and everything works great.

This makes me think that there is a crash because of conflicting VST.
Check if you have installed new version of Q3, if not, update
Check if you have installed new update from cubase 10.5, if not update.
Check if you have BOTH VST2 and VST3 installed.
If so, remove VST2 and only use VST3.

PS this will remove any settings you have an EQ, so remember to BACKUP EVERYTHING YOU CHANGE, in case you change something you cannot or want to keep


For the record, this is still occuring with the latest versions of both Cubase 10.5 and FabFilter Pro-Q3, years after being reported. I get the impression that this will just never be resolved, because Cubase 11 is now out and FF has probably moved on.

Jeff Dunne

Still happening but with Cubase 11.0.41 on Mac. It's not just Cubase that freezes, my entire computer does and I have to force reboot. First the audio keeps playing for a while but the entire interface stops responding, then full crash. So far I think it's only happened with Pro-Q3.

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