FabFilter User Forum
Plugins for iPhone?
hi there,
i'm using the fabfilter plugins on my ipad and love them. but why are they not available for the iphone?
Doe — Oct 7, 2019
hi there,
i'm using the fabfilter plugins on my ipad and love them. but why are they not available for the iphone?
Hi Doe,
We wanted to concentrate on having a good user experience on the iPad first. So far not many people have asked for an iPhone version and it would take a lot of effort to fit the user interfaces of our plug-ins on such a small screen. We'll keep it in mind but we don't have any immediate plans for iPhone versions.
With the advent of Cubasis 3 bringing a really capable and fully-fledged DAW to iPhone, I think now would be a really good time to bring them to iPhone! I would certainly get some use out of it, so please consider this another request.
I agree. With cubasis 3, this would be amazing!
+1 :-)
Now that Cubasis has found it‘s way to the iPhone, it would be great to have the Fabfilter plugins there as well.
We'll look into it!
+1 would love to see it
Yes, that would be nice!
+1 and I would love to see FabFilter Micro and One for iPhone. They are amazing on desktop and seem like a great fit for smaller screens. Especially Micro which would be so awesome in AUM! See AAS Objeq for a good UI example. Works great in AUM on iPhone SE.
+1. I record into my Iphone extensively with my portable setup. Eventide has their collection on the device. Just fabfilter missing for the complete package.
Also need for iphone
Yes, that would be so great!!!
Please please please Fab!
We will look into it!
Would absolutely love these to be universal and work on iPhone as well. I just got a Max-sized iPhone, and would happily buy the two or three I don’t have yet if they worked on iPhone. I know there are many others who would appreciate this!
just purchased the pro bundle..
iphone version would be dope 'cause I am switching between mixing on the pad and on the phone. Would be great to have consistency between the two
Definitely still wishing for this. Would love to be able to load my Drambo projects on all my devices.
Yes, please bring Fabfilter to iPhone! We need this
I agree with that
I bought toneboosters suite plugins because with fabfilter we cannot change from iPad to iPhone
How many times I began a Cubasis project on iPad and then continue on iPhone and so on
Guys, we want to open Cubasis projects on iPhone with your beautiful plugins
Understood! We’re going to work on this.
Just got Cubasis 3 to have on the go to record and mix.
I am a very happy ProQ3 owner and use it everyday in my Pro Tools system. Would love to have the option to use it in my iPhone. I don't carry an iPad, and for me the pad defeats the purpose of being mobile. I carry my phone at all times, and therefore that is the unit I will use.
So just a wish from a Fabfilter user in Helsinki, Finland.
Have a great December!
I would also really enjoy fabfilter on the iPhone as well!
Yes me too
I would like to be able to run my FabFilter plugins on my iPhone Pro-max. The screen on this is not much smaller than a mini tablet. It would be handy to run the plugins with my guitar modeling plugins on my phone via AUM. Please release it for iPhones!
With the A15 and the ProMax screen, this really needs to come to the iPhone. I’ve purchased the entire package, it’s a bummer I can’t use on my phone.
Yes please would love this!
Who makes music on their phone? Like, what realistic scenario is there where you want to work on music somewhere and you cannot have a laptop with you?
-1 on this one, please FabFilter invest your time in more useful things than iPhone plugins
+1 to bring this bundle to iPhone. I bought without realizing it was iPad only!!
Keep it iPad only purchase, but provide the iPhone version in the bundle that runs without a UI maybe? I just want to go back to swapping devices perfectly without losing out on this great bundle and my investment.
please yes +1 for iphone
+1 please! would be amazing to be able to tinker with these on my phone
Is there any progress on this? Would really love to have the FabFilter apps available on the iPhone. Many others are supporting both iPad and iPhone.
Not yet. We're interested in this, but it requires a substantial redesign of most plug-ins to be usable on the iPhone due to the small screen.
Please bring these to iphone. Would love to have a seemless workflow between ipad and iphone. Honestly who cares if the interface is smaller on the iphone. I scaled the fabfilters down to the size of my iphone on my ipad screen and was doable.
Would really love to have these plugins on iPhone. I use other plugins in Cubasis and Loopy Pro on the iPhone and the small UI size isn't a big problem.
Bump! I’m developing a deep desire for FF on iPhone as well!