FabFilter User Forum

testing period of 30 days works only one day

since yesterday i try "fabFilter" Plugins with the 30-days-trial at my windows 10 laptop with the DAW "Samplitude ProX 4"
I (really) want to buy the "Total Bundle" - the Plugins are really great !!

Yesterday i startet a mix from the scratch with only Fabfilter Plugins for testing -> great !!!

I started with the recording of our Drum from the rehearsal room.

Today i want to hear what i have done yesterday ;)

In some Slots (for example BassDrum) there was no sound - when i disabled the Fabfilter Plugin / Plugins the channel was working...

For example in the Snare Channel there was no problem !!

I used in all channels he same (Gate, EQ, Comp - all VST3 Version)

I delete the FabFilter Plugins in the BassDrum channel and put it in again -> works great !

Stored the project and re opened it - again.... BassDrum Channel no sound / Snare Channel working fine

Is that in any kind a limitation in the 30-days-test -period ??

I hope so... and not a problem with incompatibilty of my DAW with the FabFillter-Stuff.... (waves works fine)

Any ideas ??
I would only buy the "Total Bundle" if i know it will work with my DAW !

Thanks in advance !

toxic / Mäx


I’m going to take a wild guess. It’s possible that somehow (I’m not familiar with Samplitude) the gate got a Midi signal and is closed.
You could try to disable midi in the gate and compressor plugins (it’s the little button in the bottom left corner) and see if this resolves your issue.


Thank you Bram,
I will give it a try this evening and let you know about it


Hi Bram ;)

that was not the solution...

But i found a little bit more - try to explain it ;)

  • My BassDrum Channel was not working (no sound after saving the project an restarting the DAW Samplitude ProX4) - only sound when i deactivate the Plugin in the slot then
  • My Snare Drum Channel was working after saving the project and restart the DAW

--->> the difference between them : the BassDrum is a "normal channel" / the Snare Drum is a "Sub MixBus"-Channel (mix of top and bottom micophone of the snare)

----> i have only installed the "VST3" Versions of the Plugins !

- then i uninstalled all Fabfilter Plugins
- re-installed WITH VST2 *AND* VST3 versions

Result :

- the VST2 Versions will work correctly after saving the project and restart the DAW in the "normal channels"
- in the "SubMixBus"-Channels the VST3 will work

crazy... VST2 only for "normal channels" / VST3 only for the "SubMixBus" Channels.... !?!?!?


i tested the same things with my "waves plugins", "line6 Helix native" and other.

All work with VST3 in the "normal channels" correctly - only the "Fabfilter" Plugins have the VST3Problem in the "normal channels in my DAWSamplitude ProX4 (Windows10) after saving the project and restart the DAW

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