FabFilter User Forum

Pro L2 Output Level confusion

Hi. I'm accustomed to setting a limiter threshold... so limit audio output to -3 dB, for example. But I don't exactly see a dedicated limiter threshold for L2. There is "Output Level" but this sets the limiter threshold to, say, -3dB while also attenuating the signal by 3dB... so then I have to raise the gain by that same amount to get the outgoing signal to match the level of the incoming signal. I feel like this behavior is a bit eccentric? Or am I missing something? This isn't really what I want. I just want to have the signal stay at the same level but be limited to -3dB.

Eg. If a client gives me some files to check for compliance to a specification - such as ACX - I just set L2 to the ACX max peak value of -3dB but the fact that this also attenuates the signal globally by 3db sorta makes me scratch my head a bit. Help me to understand this, please? :-)


Hi Trevor,

In this case, if you set the Output Level to -3 dB, you should also set the Gain to +3 dB if you want the volume to stay the same if the audio is below the -3 dB threshold.

We just chose a different approach than some other limiters but it's quite easy to get the same result.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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