FabFilter User Forum

Pricing Adaptation for each country

Hello everyone. How do you think, do FabFilter and many other companies need to adapt the prices of their products for each country individually? I mean, if you live in the USA, you get $3.521‬ per month you can easily buy Total Bundle plugin pack and then have $2.522 left to survive to the next month salary.

But Imagine you are in Russia and get only $641 per month. You don't need to eat and pay taxes for 2 months just to buy this Total Bundle. What if they will adapt the prices for other countries? By calculating, we will find out, that Total Bundle gets ~39,62% from average US salary, and we can use this number to calculate the perfect price for Russians. That's $253,96.

So, people who get $641 per month will have to pay only $253,96 and have some money to survive to the next month salary.

If they will adapt prices, the need for piracy disappears and FabFilter can get more money from this too because more people will be able to buy it.

What do you think about this?


And I want to say, that the gaming platform Steam selling games with this strategy.


I was thinking about this just yesterday.. It makes so much sense! I didn't know about Steam, props to them for doing that!


It's definitely an interesting idea but there are some practical implications. We would have to accurately establish the average income in all countries and have a bulletproof way to determine which country you're from. For example you wouldn't want someone from the US to buy something for the Russian price while they're on holiday in Moscow. Announcing the price of a new product also becomes quite complicated.

In general, we really like keeping things as simple as possible and the current system is definitely simple. :)


Frederik (FabFilter)
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