FabFilter User Forum
midi mapping storage
Hi there
I just done an amazing setting with a midi controller to drive a proQ3 preconfigured as dresser for post mixing, and it's absolutely great... But when I moved from one studio to another, I realised that the mapping disappeared... I thought it was stored in the session (protools) but I guess it's somewhere else... Is it possible to copy a file and get the mapping on another station ? It's a very long process to configure all the knobs and buttons, and I can work in several studios a week...
tx and have a nice day
meduson — Jul 27, 2019
I'm going to assume you're using a Mac... you can find it here:
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/FabFilter/Pro-Q 3/MidiControllerMap.ffm
That should do it :)
perfectly works, thanks !
another question : would you consider to implement in a future update a midi output to your plugins, so that a midi controller can get the correct value and not stay at it's own one, and most of all the a motorised fader can follow the value (would be very amazing to control thresholds for example)
thanks again
i would also love to see fab filter plugins send the midi data back out to update encoders/faders that are mapped to control parameters.
seems like a no-brainer.