FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q3 - Sidechaining in Reaper


When either, creating additional channels on a track by creating a send, or by dragging 'ROUTE' on to the Pro-Q3 GUI (which also creates additional channels for side-chain), Pro-Q3 creates too many additional input and output pins.

A standard Reaper track has 2 input and 2 output channels for audio (L&R), Pro-Q3 has 4 input (2 side-chain), and 2 output channels. All is well in the world.

After creating the necessary routing via either method above, the Reaper track has 4 input and 4 output channels (2x L&R each), but Pro-Q3 has 4 in (Quadro's), 4 side-chain (Quadro's), and 4 Quadro outputs. We're not in Kansas any more...

Confusingly, Q3 attaches Reapers 3&4 audio channels to input 3&4 Quadro channels so side-chaining doesn't work. Reassigning the 3&4 input to any of the side-chain inputs also doesn't work.

The workaround is to open Reaper's I/O dialog, and request a Stereo bus channel for Q3, then the routing is completed successfully.

I've noticed that many FF plug-ins do the same thing if they are on a track with more than 2 channels of audio, and this can cause a problem when there are multiple FF plugs on one track and only one of them needs the side-chain signal - each has to be set manually as noted in the workaround.

Is this something that the devs could look at? I don't have any other plugs (that I know of), that behave this way, and it's quite the take you out of the moment type deal...

Anyways - thanks for listening if you got this far, would be great to see a better solution for this.



Hi Robu,

Thank you for your post. Reaper is a very flexible daw, but is this case it complicates things a bit. Pro-Q 3 is surround compatible, so we offer quite some channels to the host to interpret. That being said, your daw should handle these channels correctly. Have you contacted Reaper about this as well?


Hi Maarten - Thanks for the reply.

I haven't contacted Cockos about this yet, but I will.

It is a little strange though that routing the sending side-chain channels to Q3's Quadro side-chain inputs, doesn't work, no?

I guess it's possible that I need more track channels (at least six) to be able to access the side-chain inputs properly. I'll have a play around and see what happens.



Thought something I've just found might be useful.
I was scratching my head over sidechaining Pro-MB as the Q3 trick of removing and re-adding I/O 3/4 didn't work.
I thought it was a lost cause until I tried adding 5/6 for fun. That was the solution.So even though the SC signal is routed to 3/4, I have to create a 5/6 in the I/O dialog for the MB sidechain to work.

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