FabFilter User Forum

Dynamic EQ Match and Make Dynamic, Match dB requests

EQ Match is very powerful, but what it doesn't account for is the different sensitivities between microphones. So if I'm matching a very sensitive microphone to a dynamic microphone the eq curves are too static and heavy handed.

What would be amazing is if it could find the current dB, as it already does, then also calculate the general time it takes the transients in that range via att/release to get to those dB levels. I currently manually try this by using eq match, then dialing it back and use a bit of dynamic eq to control how sensitive it is. Often negative range if matching to a less sensitive dynamic microphone or positive if trying to be more sensitive.

So, using ProMB to "eq match" or having "dynamic eq match" in pro q 4 would be incredible! I imagine using my MKH8040 as a reference then dialing in other microphones to match the tone on sound effects shoots and it's incredibly exciting.

Other feature request, a right click option for "Make Dynamic, match dB". This would convert a static eq adjustment into a dynamic adjustment of equivalent value. That way I can dial in the right eq amount on specific transient hits in a static way, and with the click of a button convert it to a dynamic eq of equivalent dB amount so the eq amount is the same, but it's now a dynamic adjustment. I do this manually a lot so it would save time :)

Love pro q 3 and use it on basically every session!

Aaron Brown

Hi Aaron,

Thanks for your suggestions, we'll take them into account. Dynamic EQ Match is quite a stretch though... You're right that it's usually a good idea to manually match the loudness before you start EQ Match.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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