FabFilter User Forum

Sidechain AUM

Hi there! I bought proC-2 for IOS mainly because it advertised sidechaining. Now, how am I supposed to make it work? All the tutorials use desktop apps as examples, on IOS I don’t see how I can route the sc signal to the main track. Is this supposed to work in AUM or do I have to use a daw like Cubasis or bm3?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


At the moment I'm not aware of any AUv3 host that actually supports side chains. We heard from the AUM developers that they are working on it though.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks for your response!
Actually I’m using Woodpressor and AUFX:push for side-chaining in AUM. So it’s definitely possible...
Furthermore most of the fabfilter plug-ins have an option for external side-chaining in their interface, so the question is : How to make it work?


Didn’t realize you are a dev! :)
So maybe you could explain what “external side-chain triggering” in the App Store description means?
Is this function not supported yet or only in some daws?
This feature was a big selling point for me so sorry to insist!


Well, we do have a side chain input in our AUv3 plugins, but AUM doesn't offer it in their interface. As soon as host apps implement it, you can use the side chain input in our plug-ins. I think this is a chicken-and-egg problem: up to now there were no AUv3 plug-ins with side chain support, so hosts typically didn't implement it. We will work together with AUM (and other host manufacturers) to make sure side chains will start to work soon.

Regarding Woodpressor, on the App Store page they say: "It also has it's own side chain mechanism as currently no or very little AUv3 hosts implement a side chain." so apparently they are using a workaround.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Well, yes indeed Woodpressor and AUFX:push use "workarounds" : they send the side-chain signal from one instance to another, and that works pretty well.

You can't simply advertise a feature in your app description without mentioning that for the moment it's not functional, that the side-chain section is only a placeholder and that it totally depends on other developers to eventually become a reality in the future...

I wouldn't have spend hours trying to make it work if that was clear from the beginning...

Sorry, but please understand my frustration : I don't like to spend 150€ on a product only to find out that I can't use it as intended (and advertised !).

That being said, the rest is top-notch, powerful and beautiful ;)


Hi Marco,

Rest assured that we will make sure that the side chain input will work properly in AUM and hopefully other hosts, as soon as possible. I'm sorry if you find the plug-in description to be misleading: that definitely wasn't our intention.

The "one instance to another" system is really a hack. You don't know in which order the instances will be called so you need to synchronize them, which is difficult to do properly. And even then it's possible that the side chain signal is delayed, and you can compensate for that only if you add a latency to the plugin (otherwise you need to make audio and you don't have the side chain information yet).

The AUv3 plug-in format has a very clean way to add a side chain bus and that is what we've done. All we need is for AUv3 hosts to start supporting it, and as I mentioned the AUM devs are already working on that. :)


Frederik (FabFilter)

Any Updates on the AUM implementation? Cant wait for it :)


This knowledge may help with the wait. (Work in progress..)




Cool, thanks for sharing the link!


Frederik (FabFilter)

"Cool, thanks for sharing the link!


Frederik (FabFilter)"

All good!


P.S I've tested side-chain (using Pro-C, so far) in the AUM beta..
... and it's working great!



It's alive!

AUM update out today!

It includes (along with many other things) the 'Side-chain(ing)' ability.


(AUv3 Multi-out, is a BIG thang!)

Have Fun!


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