FabFilter User Forum

midi learn multiple instances of simplon


I use Live 6. I have 2 tracks. 1 drumloop and 1leadsound. Each track has a different instance of Simplon.

I midi learn filter 1 on the drumloop -> Ok. Then I midi learn filter 1 (other midi controller + other instance of simplon!) on the leadsound, and the midi learn on the drumloop will change too!

Looks like that no matter how much simplon's there are opened, they all share the same midi assignments.

I want different assignments per instance. Is this possible?


Mike Jarod

Hi Mike,

You're right, midi controller settings are global and shared among all instances. I understand what you are trying to accomplish; I don't know whether it's possible but we'll try to think of a solution...


Floris (FabFilter)

What you want to do is possible by using Live's mapping function.

Open the parameter panel of simplon to view all internal vst parameters, click "MIDI" in the upper right corner of Live, in the parameter view select the parameter you want to map (e.g. cutoff), twist a knob on your controller, click "MIDI" again and enjoy filtersweeps.

Check out Chapter 23 in the Live6 Manual for further reading.

hope that helps :)

Bunky Freaks
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