FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q 3 suggestions / Dynamic mode / Auto gain

Hello !

Pro-Q 3 is an amazing tool. Probably the plugin I use most.

Dynamic mode is great, but it would be terrific if it had a release control.

Also auto gain is a very useful feature, but I would like to be able to add a band and disable auto gain for that specific band, so that band won't be taken into account in the auto gain calculation. It would be very useful when applying modifications to an almost finished mix, i.e if we need to bring out something and want to do it by adding a few dBs with eq on specific areas on Pro Q 3 instances having already auto gain enable.

Thanks for making such great tools !


Antoine - AltSonik

I second this. I own ProMB, but to have ultra-fine, frequency-specific dynamic control with variable attack/release times within ProQ3 would be very cool.


Also would like a release control on the Pro Q3 dynamic bands


These are all good suggestions, but keep in mind we are also trying to keep the feature set from ever expanding and making the plug-in appear too complex... We'll consider them though.


Frederik Slijkerman

I totally agree. Attack and release are essential controls for a dynamic EQ, this is the reason I am still using Nova for dynamic EQ. Love the Pro Q but it does need attack and release to make the dynamics section more useful.

Adam Hope

Ratio is very essential control also. For tough jobs, you need attack, release, range, and ratio to make it work. (Knee also) I love fabfilter plugins because they give you detailed controls. ProMB has so many controls and I tweak all of them to get the job done. That's why it is so versatile, that's why I love it, and that's why it is the best multiband compressor. Pro-C, Pro-G, Pro-DS they all have a lot of controls but not Pro-Q 3 dynamic EQ section. And because of limited dynamic eq controls, I demoed it, didn't like it, and haven't purchased it yet.

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