FabFilter User Forum

Pro-L 2 - plugin as "Abschlusseffekt" in Wavelab-EL

Hi, I want to use Pro-L2 as "Abschlusseffekt" in Wavelab-EL.
This is the last slot for special plugins like brickwall-limiter.
In the Choosingbox I cannot see the Fabfiter Plugin. I can choose some plugins from Steinberg and in my case from waves.
Is ist possible to get the fabfilter L2 plugin there?



Hi Marcus,

It looks like you need to manually enable plug-ins to appear in the Final Effects/Dithering section in WaveLab. To do this, right-click on a slot here, and click Favorites > Edit. Now you get a full list of plug-ins. Click the checkbox in the Final column to get them to appear in the Final section, e.g. for Pro-L 2.


Frederik Slijkerman
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