FabFilter User Forum

New Product Suggestion


FabFilter plugins sound great. FabFilter UI's look great and the interaction design is great. One day I hope to be able to do all of my work using only FabFilter plugins.

So to that end, please consider releasing a FabFilter mono to stereo plugin that meets or exceeds the Brainworx (PluginAlliance) bx_stereomaker.

I'm asking for this because bx_stereomaker sounds good, but the UI is nowhere near as satisfying as FabFilter plugins. For one, you cannot click and enter values directly on bx_stereomaker (or any PluginAlliance plugin). For another, it's just plain ugly.


Uncle Freddie

Hi Uncle,

We'll think about it! Note that you can use a plug-in like Timeless 2 or Volcano 2 to make a mono signal stereo as well. You could also widen a track to stereo, and use Pro-Q 3 to filter the R signal slightly differently which is similar to what bx_stereomaker seems to be doing.


Frederik Slijkerman

Thanks Frederik. The great thing about bx_stereomaker is that it is 100% mono compatible. They say this in the description, and I can confirm: If you insert a stereo to mono step after the bx_stereomaker, and you bypass/activate bx_stereomaker, you hear absolutely no difference. I don't know how they do it, but they get high marks, because no other mono to stereo plugin gets this right.

So, perfect mono compatibility would be a must for a FabFilter equivalent.


Uncle Freddie
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