FabFilter User Forum

Some ideas for pro-c

First of all i used the demo of pro-c and i like it very much! This is high on my have to buy list. I have some suggestions for an eventual future version of pro-c.

What i would like is a dynamic tool with not the standard set of controls but more sort of a graph in wich you can set points in the dynamic range that you want to expand and others that you want to compres soft or hard. The same for attack and release times in a way you can give a short peak a short attack and release and a long one long attack and release. A sort of controlled auto release. I think you allready do this only it is not as controllable as I would like. And maybe a look ahead function. I think with the compression display that you invented this can be a real intuitive way of dynamic processing. And with a side chain eq an even more powerful mastering tool than it is now.

I love the parralel and m/s compression very nice!

B.A. Griffioen
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