FabFilter User Forum

Volcano update and questions

Hello guys!

First and foremost, I have been struggling to choose a filter plug-in to buy, I looked at many, but Volcano sounds way beyond everything else - it has so much warmth, depth and character - great work. However, it lacks one thing I'd really need - a step sequencer instead of usual LFOs. Are there any plans for such a thing? It would really bring the plug-in to the next level.



Artemiy Pavlov

Hi Artemiy,

Well, A Volcano update is on the way! We are also thinking about a step sequencer, but that could also be a feature we will first build into a synth plug-in, depending on the time we have ...


Floris (FabFilter)

+1 for the step sequencer...

Would it be possible to get a pan control for the output mix, with LFO modulation (and automation)? The filter pans are very cool, but sometimes there is a simpler need to just pan or LFO-pan the entire output of the plugin. Thanks...


a Volcano 2.0 that works like FF Twin and FF Timeless, with "patch cords" would be the ideal solution. And it could easily then add the step sequencer. I don't think it is wise to cram more stuff into the existing plugin.



... we're working on it guys :-p

Floris (FabFilter)

Floris, but can you tell me please:

1. When do you plan to release it?
2. Will there be an upgrade fee for Volcano 1.20? Should I wait for 2.0 or there will be a grace period?

And again, if it happens to have a step sequencer, you will add me to your customer list ;-)

Artemiy Pavlov
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