FabFilter User Forum

FabFilter Pro-C Fails Logic AU Test

Hi there,

I have just purchsed FF Pro-C, downloaded v1.01 from you website and installed it on my G5, but Logic is saying it has failed its AU test.

Logic Pro 7.2.3, OS X 10.4.10, Dual 2Ghz G5 PPC, 3Gb RAM

I have manually enabled them in AU Manager ubt can you confirm this is a known issue?

Many thanks


Jon Langford

Hi Jon!

You're right; we have made a small mistake in the AU build. I'll fix this asap and let you know here when you can download the correct version.

Floris (FabFilter)

Ok, this bug is now fixed! I've replaced the current 1.01 installer (and total bundle installer), so you just need to re-download Pro-C and install it again.


If the plug-in doesn't show up in Logic right away, go to Logic->Preferences->Start AU Manager, and rescan Pro-C and Pro-C (Mono)!

Thanks for reporting this! Best regards,

Floris (FabFilter)

Thanks Floris, I noticed it only failed on load time, so I thought it wasn;t a big deal!

Thanks for the quick reply and fix!


Jon Langford
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